A friend...... Or two

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Before you read remember that the underlined words are in Italian

So that night when everyone was asleep I took all my weapons (knife, katana, and gun) and a few food supplies and went to leave but before I did, I looked at the sleeping face of Carl grimes.
"Don't wait for me. I'm sorry.."I whispered to him as I made my way out the door.
I got a couple of miles away when I felt a gun up to my temple.

"So Dylan. Wanna tell me why you are here with some strangers.." A voice asked.

"Yes. It's not like you trust people" another said.

"Kayla. Liz." I gasped turning around.
We hugged for a moment until I let go to ask a question.

"Where is Bella and Sam?" I asked worriedly

"They went with their families to someplace called Alexandria."
Kayla replied then added "what about Logan"

"He's..... Dead" I told them.

"I guess this is what's left of us. The stupid six is no more" Liz said.
We caught up but I learned that they had no shelter so we went back to the church and when we got back it was daylight and we passed out on the benches.
I woke up to see Kayla and Liz about to go on a run so I went to but before we got the chance to Rick stopped me

."I'm letting Carl go with you. Be nice" he said.

"When am I not?" I asked sarcastically as the four of us walked out.

We stopped outside of a target and we split up. I went alone as did Kayla so Liz and Carl went together.
I went to the women's clothing section and got some black skinny jeans and some combat boots. Then I got some pads and tampons as well as a couple of cans of fruit.
Then we all met up at the café part in target and I looked in Starbucks for at least a bottle of water and nothing.

"You didn't really think you could get some Starbucks in the zombie apocalypse?" Kayla asked me as I chuckled but we walked back to the church.
As soon as we got there I fell asleep.

I woke to some one carrying me to a room. I was in the dark but I knew it was Carl then I heard a voice.
Gairiths voice.

The there were gun shots and the sound of someone screaming and crying.
Then I noticed that person was me.

Blood Stained Roses | Carl Grimes|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ