Jar of hearts

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"Enid this is Dylan she is staying with you" Deanna told Enid
Enid smiled at me and we hugged and she showed me my room.

It was a light blue color and the bed was made.
I started getting changed and started humming 'apologize' by one republic.

Then I went to Rons house with Enid
Then I saw Carl with a red face

"What happened to you " I asked

""Just do us all a favor and get curtains" Ron said still looking at the tv

"Ew perverts" I said.
I took out a marker from my bag and wrote on Carl's forehead 'peeping tom'
Then we sat down and got bored so I had an idea.

"Let's have a water balloon fight" I said.

"Really" Ron asked.

I had some in my bag.
We picked teams me and Enid against Carl and Ron

They had three more and we had one.
Enid had it but I snatched it from her.

"Who do you think you are" she asked
"Running around leaving scars" I sang
"Collecting your jar of hearts" Ron sang
"TEARING LOVE APART!" We screamed while Carl looked at us like we were crazy.
Then we all started laughing.

"AH!" I screamed falling on the ground and passing out.

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