Hi i'm Negan

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"Please let me go" my sister and I pleaded with Carl but as to why his opinions matter I have no idea.
."just get some guns from the closet" he said but I'm Dylan so I didn't listen to him.

The the locked Enid in the closet.
"Carl!Dylan! What if you don't make it back" she screamed

"Just survive somehow" Carl said on our way out.
I snorted.

"What's so funny" he asked.

"Well you just locked my sister in a closet. You should get the boyfriend of the year award" I Said sarcastically.

"She's not my girlfriend. Now go you are not coming" he grumbled

"Yes I am"
"No you are pregnant"
"Why is that n excuse for everything. You apparently love this baby so much yet your not the father."
I screamed.
"Well he's not here to take care of you" he replied.
"I never said I needed to be taken care of."
But I stomped to the RV nevertheless.

When we finally started moving I was staring out the window until someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned to see Rick.
"Why re you here I told Carl not to let you" he said.

"Well I really listen to anyone but me." I said
But I turned back towards the window.

When we came to a halt I saw a bunch of people surrounding a bloodied man. Everyone else got out but Rick would not let me. I could not hear anything but I knew that Rick didn't like any of it.
When they got back in we steadily backed up.

The next encounter we had with them was when there was a line of walkers.

When they said that the stuff was Michonne and Daryl I got out to look but there were people shooting at our feet.

The next encounter was when they lit some logs in our way on fire and hung the bloodied man. When I turned around I tripped over a rock. I twisted my ankle and tried to walk but fell down again. I felt strong arms pick me up bridal style and take me to the RV.

"I told you to stay in Alexandria" they said.

"Damnit Carl" I said as I tried once more to stand but failed.

Then they had. A crazy idea.
Of course I nearly died running from the people chasing after us.
We were surrounded and he to get on our knees.

I was still holding on to Carl when Negan came out and gave his 2 hour long speech.

He walked over to me and Carl
"This is your kid. I wanna kill the future serial killer-" he said then looked at me.

"You two together" he asked looking at my hand.

I shook my head.
"What's your name kid" he asked me

"Dylan. Dylan Rose" I told him.

"A pregnant fifteen years old" he said in disbelief.

Then he did inie-meanie-mione-mo to see who he would kill.

I cringed to see him beat a person who had once welcome me to their home so comfortably and sweetly but this is who we are. We are monsters we kill so we are no different from the walkers.

You see, we ARE the walking dead

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