First Day Of Hell

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Great... it's 7:00a.m. on a Monday, where I have to get up, go to a whole new school where I have no clue who anyone is or where anything is or what classes I even have... this is just fan-fricken-tastic.

I huffed a loud huff to look up and see my mother and father in the doorway of my room.

"Come on Desiree, today's your first day of school" dad said while smiling, as if my morning was all sunshine and rainbows. I got out of bed and did my regular routine, once I finished my breakfast, I went up to brush my teeth. It was 7:45a.m., school starts at 8:00 a.m. so I went back downstairs and stalked hot guys on instagram because who doesn't.

"Desiree, come on I'll drive you to school today" dad said with a smile.

"Okay" I said with a sigh as I got up from the couch and headed for the front door out to the car.

" Thanks dad, I'll see you after school"

" okay sweets, I'll see you after school, enjoy your day" he said and drove off.

"Not likely " I mumble under my breath walking up to the school. As I enter the school it's big, I have a little panic attack inside but I try and look for the main office to get my times table.

After about ten minutes, I find the office and head for it just to have someone bump into me. I am already freaking out and now this makes it even worse. As I was about to open my mouth and say sorry I heard a masculine voice that might I say is sexy as fuck talk.

" watch where you're going you little brat" he growled

I'm not one to take anyone's bullshit so I opened my mouth

"Excuse me but you're the one who bumped into me you jerk so I would watch how you talk to me before you regret it." I growled back

I probably wasn't very scary to him because I'm this tiny, petite, little 5'1 brunette and he's this 6'4 tall dark messy brown hair with these chocolate brown eyes and tan skin with a jawline that cuts and lips so full and with the clothes that he's wearing, definitely outlines his body; perfectly abs and all, one word... damn 👅😍🔥.

I could feel myself going weak, my legs feeling like jelly, but no I need to stand my ground. I could see him eyeing me up and down, I was wearing my black ripped skinny jeans with a tight white tank top that outlines my toned stomach, I had my black vans on and my long brown hair was in beachy waves. His eyes appeared with lust till I broke the moment

"Eyes up here bud" I said and once he looked at my face I did a sweet, fake smile. As if remembering what had just happened he scoffed and walked away, I smiled to myself knowing that I won that battle and continued to the front desk of the office.

*Mystery boy up top.😍😍🔥💦

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