Forever and Always

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I turn around to face him and his eyes slowly open and look at me. Damn he's soo sexy.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I said you win,I'm in love with you Desiree Rose, I have been for a while, I just didn't want to admit it." Ryder admited.

I looked at him, smiling and blushing which he was well aware of but I don't care because he said he's in love with me, oh my god THE RYDER DANIELS IS IN LOVE WITH ME!

"Listen Ryder-" I start but he cuts me off .

"I understand if you don't feel the same back- " he started but I cut him off.

"Ryder, you didn't let me finish, Ryder I'm in love with you, I have been probably longer than you have but I wanted to win, I was determined to win. I didn't and I still don't want my heart to be broken though so I didn't want to admit it, but Ryder I can't hold back anymore, Ryder Daniels I love you." I say confidently.

He was smiling so much, he leaned closer to me and gave me a passionate, hungry kiss which I returned. We were both up now fully because of how excited we are so we both were sitting up and across from each other, smiling. Ryder got up off of his bed, I was confused so I watched him as he went to his desk and grabbed something off of it and started coming my way. I'm so confused until he comes up to me, holds his hand out and leads me off of his bed. I see he has a box in his hand.

"Desiree Rose, ever since I laid my eyes on you I've felt something for you, it was love at first sight. I made that bet with you,which you obviously won" we laughed "to make it so we could spend as much time together as possible. I promise to love you always, I promise to be there for you forever and always, I promise to support you in everything you do and help you along the way, I promise to be the man you deserve and will love you to the end of time, Desiree Rose, I promise you a life long happy life with me if you let me. With this being said, will you accept this promise ring and be my girlfriend?" Ryder was down on one knee, holding my hand and promising me everything I could ever want.

I was crying my eyes out, happy tears of course, I'm so happy he feels the same way,he always has and I have this amazing man in front of me promising me the world and a future with him.

"Hell yeah!" I say accepting the ring and jumping into his arms, pulling him into a passionate kiss.

"Now I have some words I would like to say." I say, smiling.

"Oh boy." Ryder said smiling.

I looked him right in the eyes.
"Ryder Daniels, I've felt everything for you since I laid eyes on you starting from the moment you bumped into me, to this moment right now. I couldn't and still can't ever stop thinking about you to the point it killed me and still does. All I ever wanted to do was come over here and be with you. I love you so much more than you even know, I am so honoured and greatful to be your girlfriend and your future wife."

As I continued, I was still crying happy tears, as I looked at Ryder he was smiling like crazy and it looked like he was going to start crying as well.

Ryder came closer to me picking me up and kissing me over and over again till I stopped for a minute. He was worried for a moment till I spoke

"Now about that bet." I raised my eyebrow and smirked.

"What about it." He smirked an evil smirk.

"You're mine Daniels." I smirked

He kissed me passtionatly

"Forever and always." Ryder said, kissing me again.

I continued kissing him, it felt so right, I love kissing him and knowing he's mine, forever and always.


Of course, a phone call had to ruin this amazing moment Ryder and I are having.

Caller ID: 😍💖Babe💖😍

"Hey Luke what's up?" I asked.

"Put him on speaker. " Ryder said and so I did.

"Hey man, what's up?" Ryder said.

"Hey man, you guys together?" Luke asked.

"As in?" I ask, smiling to Ryder.

"DUDE YOU'RE WHIPPED!?!?!" Luke said.

"Only for my gorgeous wify." Ryder said smiling then kissed me.

"Come on guys get a room." Luke said.

It went silent for a few minutes

"Come on guys really." Luke said and we all laughed.

"Watcha need?" I ask Luke.

"I was gonna ask how you're doing but I guess my question is already answered." He said laughing.

"My boyfriend/ future husband and I are amazing." I say smiling to Ryder admiring my ring while he looks up and smiles to me.

"Nice dude,you keep this one,she's really special,and babe,you know where to find me if it doesn't work out." Luke says and we all start laughing.

"Don't worry,I plan on it." Ryder says kissing my hand and ring.

"Don't worry Luke, I'll hit you up." I say laughing with both Luke and Ryder.

"She's mine dude back off." Ryder said jokingly.

"Aight I'll leave you two alone, congrats again and I'll talk to you later man, babe." Luke says.

"Bye." Ryder and I say in unison.

As soon as the phone call ended Ryder pushed me lightly on his bed and hovered over top of me, kissing me.

"You're mine." He said, making me blush.

"And you're mine, forever and always." I say, kissing him back.

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