Netflix and Chill...?

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After our session, we decided to cuddle and watch a movie on Netflix. Ryder chose to watch a scary one so I would get scared and cuddle up even more to him, but little did he know, I love scary movies. I was hoping he was afraid so I could laugh at him and comfort him but he loved them too so I guess that plans out... bummer.

After a couple of movies we were both really sleepy, I was about to get up when Ryder pulled me back down.

"Stay the night please." He begged with pleading eyes and he pouted. He's so god damn adorable, how can I say no to that face.

I laughed to myself " my parents would kill me." I say. After a little bit and Ryder's adorable face, I caved. "Fine but if I go down you're coming down with me." I say, laughing and going back to cuddle with him.

"That's fine with me, I would love going down with you." He said smirking afterwards.

"Ewww Ryder you're disgusting." I say while laughing then put on a disgusted face.

"You're turning me on with your face right now." He said laughing.

"Don't I always." I say cockily and smiling.

"You do." He says and pecks me on the lips. I blush of course.

It was quiet for a bit as we were lying together, my back was against Ryder's chest and his arms was around my waist pulling me closer and tighter to him. I feel heat oh ma god.

"You win." I hear him mumble.

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