The Creation Of The Bet

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I have about ten minutes before dinner so I turned my phone off, got off of my bed, check myself out seeing if I look okay and I headed downstairs to help my parents with getting ready with last minute details.


"Desiree, can you please get that for me?" Dad asked

"Sure" I head to the door and welcomed a couple,a man and a women.

"Hello, I'm Desiree Rose, please come in" I say opening the door and welcoming them in.

"Thanks dear, nice to meet you Desiree." the women said with a smile while the man smiled as well.

This happened a couple times but on the last one I was shocked.

"Daniels... what are you doing here?"

"I'm here for the neighbors dinner thing being hosted,these are my parents here" Ryder said motioning to his parents and smirking at me.

"Hello, I'm Desiree Rose" I said to his parents giving them a smile.

"Hello Desiree, I see you know my son Ryder, do you have any classes with him?" Ryder's mom asked

"Yes we have one class together" I replied

"That's great" she replied happily

I moved aside welcoming them inside, as I was about to walk away, Ryder pulled me aside.

"Hey babe, you look amazing by the way" he said smiling

I saw he was wearing a tux without the jacket, he had the shirt rolled up to his elbows with his hair in it's messy perfection, and his shirt outlined his body perfectly...fuck me please. I snapped out of my daze and replied back to him

"Thanks, you're not too bad yourself" I smirked thinking that not bad doesn't even describe half of what he looks like.

"By the way, what you did at lunch today in front of my friends, I'll get you back " he said with a smirk.

"Not before I'm done with you" I replied with a smirk and eyes that I guess were hypnotising to him. I kissed his cheek and walked away smiling to myself.

We all sat down at the table and of course Ryder sat beside me. As we all had food on our plates we started to eat. I felt a sudden hand on my thigh, my face got hot and I'm pretty sure without a doubt I'm blushing. Gosh dang it. Ryder leaned over to my ear and whispered

"You're so adorable when you blush"

This made me blush even more so I looked at mom who was across the table from me and somehow she got the hint that I needed to go to the bathroom and she nodded as an okay. I got up and excused myself which dropped Ryder's hand in the process. I ran up to my room trying to calm myself down, I look out my window outside seeing how pretty the sky was when someone brought me out of my daze, that masculine sexy voice... Ryder.

"Hey baby, what's up?" I could feel him smirk while standing in the threshold of my door, though I didn't turn away from the window.

"Which house is yours?" I question him.

He walks into my room to the window where I am.

"Guess" he says

I laugh to myself "fine... is it that one right there?" I ask pointing to the house diagonal from me.

"Nope" he says popping the "p". "It's that one right there" he says pointing to the one right next to mine.

"So we live right beside each other?" I ask clarifying.

"Yuppers" he says popping the "p" again.

"Great, now I have to see more of you around" I say jokingly and smiling.

"You love me" he says laughing while turning me by my hips to face him.

"Nope I don't, there's a difference between liking/loving someone and just tolerating them because you have to, you Mr.Daniels" I say pointing to him "I tolerate because I have to" I say sassily and smile.

"You don't think you will ever like/love me?ever?" He said coming closer and closer to me and my face.

I stand my ground, knowing if I back up, he has the uperhand.

"Nope" I say popping the "p".

"Lets make a bet then" he says.

"What kind of bet?" I ask with sass.

"If you fall for me, you're mine, I can do what I want with you" he said smirking.

"When I win" I say putting lots of efasis on the when " you're all mine and I do what I want with you" I say in a flirty yet serious tone while walking around him in a circular motion.

"It's a bet then" he said, extending his hand out.

"It's a bet" I shake his hand, and get really close to his face, up to his ear and whisper " you're mine Daniels" I then turned and walked away back downstairs to join everyone else.

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