Revenge part 2

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The bell rang and I headed straight to the cafeteria before Ryder could grab me. Suprisingly, Luke and Josh were already there so I sat down.

"Hey how was class?" I asked

"Hell like always, nothing new" Luke replied.

"Same" Josh said.

I slid my iPhone across the table to the two boys.

"Numbers please" I said

Luke picked up my phone first and put his number in and smirked. I don't know why he smirked but I'll find out. He passed my phone over to Josh who smirked as well. I'll figure out. As we were exchanging phones because Josh and Luke gave me their iPhones as well, Ryder came and sat, smirking at me.

"What's going on here?" Ryder asked.

"Just getting your girls number" Luke said smirking then biting his lip ring. Damn Luke is sexy, especially when he does that lip ring bite. Ughh am I right ladies.😍😍

I smiled and Luke and I looked at each other giving a wink to each other which was weird because we didn't plan it. We laughed as soon as it happened, yup Luke and I will definitely be best friends, I smiled.

As Josh was about to give me my phone back, Ryder took it from him.

"Hey!" I said to Ryder, he smirked

"What are you doing?" I asked trying to see what he's doing.

"You need your husbands number am I right?" He said smirking. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. I saw him glare at Luke and Josh for some reason which he then gave me my phone back.

I looked at the three contacts;
Luke's is 😍💖Babe💖😍,
Josh's is 😎 Best Frwend 😎,
Ryder's is
👅🔥Sexy Beast Hubby🔥👅

I laughed to myself and looked up to smile at the three smiling boys in front of me.

I decided to text Luke

To: 😍💖Babe 💖😍
From: 😘Baby girl 😘

Hey follow my lead, i'm taking Ryder down 😉.

From: 😍💖Babe💖😍
To: 😘Baby girl😘

Hell ya, i'm in 😉.

Luke and I looked up and smiled at each other. Josh and Ryder were confused so I texted Josh quickly.

To:😎Best Frwend 😎
From: 😎Bestie😎

Just follow along 😉.

From:😎Best Frwend😎

Got it 😉.

Okay now was time to put my plan into action. I got up, slid my iphone in my back pocket and went over to Luke, Ryder was expecting me to go to him so he gave me access to his lap, as I walked to Luke who was beside him he was confused which made me smirk. I leaned down to Luke and put my arms around his neck and leaned down to his ear and whispered

"Thanks for helping me"

Only he could hear so he smiled, I kissed the corner of Luke's mouth, took his hand making him stand up and we walked out of the cafeteria together. I winked at Josh as a way of saying good job/thanks and he winked back. Ryder was fuming, I could feel it from all the way over here, I smirked to myself and once Luke and I were out if sight I let go of his hand and faced towards him.

"Thanks so much,I need to take Ryder down and I'm going to win this bet." I say to him.

"No problem" Luke said, smiling and biting his lip ring. Damn this boy needs to stop distracting me ughh. He spoke again.

"So tell me all about this bet." He was intrigued.

"Well, it started when Ryder came over to mine because my parents were hosting this neighbor dinner thing. Ryder and his parents showed up and I was shocked to know he lives right beside me. When we were eating he put his hand on my thigh so I excused myself, got up and went to my room. Ryder showed up saying that he could persuade me into falling in love with him, I said never, he said you sure,I said yes and he made the bet; if you fall for me,you're mine,I can do what I want with you. That's how it started so I need him to fall for me so I can win." I explained.

"Wow..." Luke said, stunned.

"Yup." I said popping the "p".

He smirked "I'll help, he needs to get what he deserves" he looked to the cafeteria "sorry man."

"Perfect." I said with an evil smirk.

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