Chapter three

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[Warnings mentioned in this chapter: Swear words (haha fuck)]

The young adult, exhaling a cold, airy breath. Taking another drag of his cigarette, he exhaled the smoke through his nostrils, it rising up into the atmosphere, becoming nothing more than carbon monoxide.

His hazel hues glanced upwards, locking onto the petite female. He shrugged his shoulders, a small snap sound echoing out as his spine snapped back into place, not caring whether she had noticed him or not.

The woman swung her purse around her shoulders and walked quickly away from the strange man who was calmly smoking, to come for someone who he often seen a few months after they first hung out.

"Well, well. Somebody came late." Dan sighed as he dropped his last cigar on the hard pavement and discarded it with the sole of his old shoes. He didn't need new shoes to go impress his friend.

The car headlights came, Dan grinned as the car stopped by next to him.

"Sorry! I was straightening my hair and all and I can't find my keys and-" Phil trailed off as Dan placed his slender fingers on Phil's lip.

Phil's cheeks flushed warmly in red, causing him to cover his mouth in embarrassment. "You can be a fucking tease sometimes." He spoke behind his hand.

"You're just being adorable, I can't handle it." Dan smirked when he walked to the other side, he glances over Phil who was starting the car. "Stop being a flirt, Dan." Phil looked around for his glasses.

"How was-er your job?" Phil asked, as he handled the wheel and drove carefully.

"It was okay." Dan answered shortly.

"Mmm, does it feel good?" Phil asked out of curiosity.

"Of course. But it depends which client." Dan played with his seatbelt, curling his fingers in and pulling it opposite of him. He let it go as the stretchy band slapped his chest.

"Why? You want to be one?" Dan continued to play with his seatbelt.

"Not really. I'm not as confident as you, Dan."

Dan smiled at the compliment nobody gave him. "Why are you smiling?" Phil turned to him, to Dan who couldn't stop smiling. His dimples shown, making Phil blush once more.

"You're being a flirt, Phil."

"Shut up and let me concentrate driving." Phil rolled his eyes, he took a quick glance to Dan before he could avert back to the street.

Dan never realize how Phil would glance to him every now and then on how relaxed Dan looked. The way Dan would stare wearily out of the window. Phil took another glance before he'd concentrate on the road once more.

"Before we met," Dan started, still gazing into the bright city lights that was blinding him with each light passing by. "I never thought I'd go around the city."

"I thought I'd stay in this junk repetitively till I die." Dan chuckled, resting his chin on the palm of his hands.

Phil chuckled in response then let the silence settle in once more.

"Hey Dan."


"Do you believe in fate or fortune telling?"

"I don't know, Phil. Do you?"


The boys spent their night looking for decent video games to play. Phil has brought in his play station after forgetting it in his parents house. He rummage each games he thought would find interesting for both him and Dan.

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