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As promised, I gathered questions from comments and messages and combined them in this Phan fic. Some questions are either current or a year old.

What made you start this Phan fic?
Sumirai made a fanmade trailer of Phan and asked anyone to comment down a summary based on her trailer. Whoever has the best summary will be posted in her description. My comment was chosen and thus, the Phan fic was born.

What made you end it? What took you so long to write it? I waited for a year and gave up!
Feedbacks are lacking. I uploaded chapter 12, but there wasn't a lot of comments like it used to be, so I lost motivation and support. Plus, I have other stories to finish writing.

Originally, how many chapters were you going to write?
Around 20(?) I already gathered the storyline and brainstorm through them. But like I said, I hardly get any support to continue it.

Why is it called Borrowed Wings?
If you watched Sumirai's trailer, she used Ed Sheeran's song, The A Team. If you pay attention to the lyrics, angel was mentioned.

But why borrow?
To be honest, there's no meaning to it. I just never thought about it. I guess you can say Dan borrowed Phil's wings only to learn how to save himself by flying instead of backing down on land and be miserable about it. It's not about depending on someone to be saved. You are your own hero. Save yourself.

Why does it have 3 alternate endings?
People can choose however they want  the story to end. It's much better than having 1 ending.

Where is the Phan sex scene? It was in Sumirai's video!! I want sex scenes!
Oh geez, um.
I was going to put sex scenes between Dan and Phil, but that was so long ago. Now that I am back to writing, I changed my mind. I don't see them as lovers like I used to. I see them as best friends. I don't know, some people just have fetish about gay people having sex and I don't like to bait people just to read this book only for sex scenes.

Are you still writing Phan fics?

Do you have other Phan fics I can read?
Yes! Another Chance is published. However, it's a one-shot and last Phan fic I'll ever write. Do comment on it though, would LOVE to read feedbacks.

Are you still in the Phandom?
Not anymore. 

Do you still ship Phan?
They're just platonic to me. Hence in the alt endings, I rather have them as friends than lovers. I never see them as lovers in the first place. They're people too. Remember that. 

Thank you for your questions, everyone. I am sorry if I cannot pick all of it. I only pick questions related to this book.

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