Chapter eleven

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Dan wasn't feeling great during the open beach party. The loud music blasting and loud chatter made him feel small.

Normally, he'd get drunk, grind on strangers, smell like sweat and alcohol. He was the kind of guy who steals the attention and was the star underneath the strobe lights.

People would cheer and woo at him for him being a drunkard and an attention whore.

But he never felt so away from it. He felt..queasy. A part of him destroyed the grasped of himself trying to intoxicate his sorrows.

He averted his eyes to Phil, who was chatting away with another guy.

He wasn't jealous till he saw the guy giving a pat and hold on Phil's shoulder and laughed at whatever they're talking about.

Phil glanced towards Dan and noticed him glaring. He looked at the man, nodded and walked back to Dan.

"Hey love, something wrong?" He took a seat on a high stool and huddled up next to Dan.

"Who the hell is that?" Dan growled, he kept his tone low and hid half of his face with his arm as he stared at the guy who now dances to the beat of the music.

"It's just a friendly chat, love."

"He touched you! And..and I don't feel comfortable being here. So loud and weird. So many people. Can we just go back?"

Phil placed down his drink and jumped out the high stool. He smiled and gave a hand. "Thank you." Dan smiled and took his boyfriend's hand.

"I thought you're okay being in noisy places. I mean a job like yours." Phil walked along with Dan close to the shore where foam of waves touched their feet.

"Honestly, I've always felt uncomfortable being with a crowd of people."

"And how did you encounter that? You worked in such a outrageous place every night."

"Being drunk." Dan paused. He thought of a reason. "It numbed my senses and I don't have to worry what stupid things I've done in the club. Luke is always present and made sure none of his boys were in trouble."

Phil cocked an eyebrow. "You stumbled across my apartment-"

"Okay, he was drunk at that time. Faith and kindness brought us together." Dan deeply sighed. "Is there a problem or what?"

"No." Phil replied firmly. "I'm just asking."

Dan smirked a little as he thought of an idea to give Phil a hint that wasn't upset, or mad.

He attempted to lift Phil in a bridal style, but him being the same height as his, caused both men to fall down to the shore.

"Oh god!" Phil let out a small squeak. Dan laughed as he splashed the salty water towards his boyfriend.

Phil blocked himself with his arms as shields. He stumbled backwards in defeat.

"That's it." He didn't give up. He stood on his feet and cause Dan alarmed.

"N-No!" Dan pleaded as he tried to run. The waves were on Phil's side. Phil was able to catch up as we ran on the sandy floor.

He watched Dan fall from the wave helping him. He let out a giggle and walked towards Dan and sat next to him, getting soaked on his black jeans.

"You're cheeky, aren't you?" Phil ran his fingers on Dan's damped hair. "But that's why I fell for you."

Phil lightly kissed Dan's lips and pulled away quickly. The salty water interrupted their affection.

"Do you love me, Dan?"

"Yes I do. I love you Phil."


Dan buttoned up the last obnoxious button that wouldn't close it properly. He listened to the hairdryer sounds in the bathroom.

He glanced towards the window that shows a reflection of himself. His eyes widen as he realized his hair showed a form of a curl.

"Shit." He muttered as he rummage in his old gym bag. He took out a small straightener out of his bag and swiftly plugged in the outlet, impatiently waiting for it to heat up.

He hovered his hand over the straightener to check the heat and quickly burning his hair without hurting himself.

He averted his eyes to the door reflection from the window to make sure Phil didn't see him in his obnoxious hobbit hair.

He was insecure about his hobbit hair. How the curls would bother if it wasn't properly straightened and curl back if not enough hairspray was applied.

Phil went out from the bathroom with towel on his head. "Why are you straightening your hair?" He asked, rubbing his tiny towel against his damp hair.

"I needed to dry it." Dan lied, still facing towards the reflection. "You can borrow my hairdryer."

Phil lean on the edge of the table. He dropped his towel around his neck as he watched Dan.

"It takes forever. I rather straighten it then blow-dry it."

"It would damage your hair, dear."

Dan switched off his straightener and fixed his bangs to the side and turned. "How do I look?"

Phil walked towards him and moved rebelious strands of hair away. "Perfect." His electric blue eyes glanced directly at his boyfriend's cocoa brown's.

"You're very beautiful." Phil remarked leaning in for a kiss, but stopped when he noticed Dan leaning back.

"You know, I'm a prostitute, Phil." Dan looked down with his eyes dull. He bit his lip and wondered why.

Why would a man like Phil fall for a person who sold his body just for money.

Nobody glorified prostitutes. They were an image of negativity. A negative impact of society.

Maybe Phil pitied him.

That he was so lonely from his apartment he needed someone as a company. Not for rough sex, just a sad chat.

A prostitute is all he can find.

Maybe Dan's easy because nobody want to date someone who uses their body for mon-

"I do, Dan." Phil held his hand, feeling the softness of it before he slipped his fingers between it. "Your thoughts are killing you."

"No, I don't feel pity because that's the only job you can find that pays your rent. It's your choice to do that."


"And screw everyone who thinks you're just a slut. I respect that. You're confident. You showed your body and soul to strangers, yet you were the spotlight."

Phil pressed his forehead against his. "I respect that. Don't be upset about me thinking you're just a prostitute, okay? You're Daniel James Howell. Not just some boy who hates and sacrifices himself."

Dan nodded and smiled in a cheeky way. He guided Phil to bed, snuggled with one another and their bare skin touched.

Their lips lightly pecking on one another as they helped undress each other till both are in their underwear.

Huffed under their breath and small love bites appeared on their skin till both were hopelessly in love with tonight between the yearning of the moon and the sun. Tired, and at peace.

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