Chapter six

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The bell chimed as Dan walked in the empty music store, with no cashier around.

From his point of view, it was like a small tornado mess. The CD's were piled up uneven as if someone pulled out the cases like a jenga piece.

Some pieces of paper were laying wearily on the floor and the aisle in the middle needed a little bit of dusting. It was like a library, but filled with CD cases and posters.

Dan looked back to the huge tinted window and watched people passing by, not bothering to stop and window shop.

Footsteps shuffled in, startling Dan from being absentminded. "Hey Dan." Phil, who was in uniform greeted, now leaning against the counter.

"Hey." Dan replied. He lifted up a small plastic bag, shaking it a little till Phil grab hold onto the bag. Phil grinned, feeling the warm beverage inside it. "Mocha?" Phil guessed.

"Nope," Dan rolled his eyes. "Caramel macchiato." He corrected him.

"Dan, you really don't have to get me anything- and how'd you know I'm here?" Phil pulled out his warm beverage. He tugged the corner of his lips upwards.

"Your car was outside." Dan leaned against the countertop and pulled out one of the CD's randomly off the bottom shelf of the counter.

He glanced onto the artist. Linkin Park. One of the most mesmerizing band known to the people who were indulged to the unmatched music. How people couldn't reach the potential of them.

Chester Bennington, the screaming demon of Linkin Park, who can sing like one of the hidden angel inside his soul. He was considered heroic, despite being a singer and screamer himself without a cape.

"Do you know this band?" Dan asked, lifting up the case to show it to Phil better. Phil stepped out of the counter and pulled it out of Dan's hand, looking at the case back and forth.

"Yeah," said Phil. "Their style combines rock and a little of rap. Want a listen to it?" He switched on the CD player and slipped the CD in it. The machine made a noise, reading the CD before the song was playing.

Faint was playing through the speakers.

"How do you like it?" Phil asked, bopping his head to the beat. "Uhh," Dan thought for a little bit. "I kinda like the beat of the music, it's good."

"Good?" Phil cocked an eyebrow. "It's great, geez." Dan rolled his eyes. He crouched down to look for more albums below the counter. It was a little dusty and the albums were not neatly placed into their position.

"Are you the only one working here?" Dan asked, still kneeling down and looking at each CD album. "Just me." Said Phil.

"You?" Dan asked, unsure if Phil was being serious. He stood up as he didn't find interest on some of the albums.

"Yeah. The manager said I can do whatever position is want. Not sure why." Phil went at the back room and and back with a broom, sweeping away the dirt to the street outside.

Phil placed back the broom into the corner behind the counter and rummage through the box that nobody has bothered looking for it for a year.

"Oh hey, it's Britney Spears." Dan exclaimed as he saw her album. Phil looked over behind him and then took it off from his hand.

"I can't do her sexual voice." Said Phil. Dan let out a high pitched laughter. "TMI, Phil."

"What? Have you attempted doing it?" Phil covered his face with her album. "Nope, unlike you." Dan teased.

"Shut up about me." Phil playfully punched Dan on the shoulders and placed the album inside the box. Phil saw a glimpse of the album that caught his eye.

He found an album with a big X marked on it. He placed inside the CD rom and Thinking out loud started to play.

When your legs don't work
like they used to before.
And I can't swept you
Off of your feet.

"Dance with me," Phil offered his hand. Dan was hesitant. He smiled as he shook his hand but then gave in and took Phil's hand. Dan placed his other hand on Phil's hips.

And darlin' I will be
Loving you till we're 70.
And baby my heart still
Fall as hard at 23.

Dan and Phil waltzed around the room as if they're rehearsing for prom night. They laughed when Phil accidentally stepped on Dan's foot.

Dan twirled Phil around and then caught him again, waltzing and turning like a never ending formal night. It was like a fairytale. Two dorky princes dancing in a music store.

Baby, we found love right where we are.

Dan attempted to pick up Phil, but a slight unbalance caused them to fall down on top of each other. "Jesus Christ, Phil." Dan laughed as he stood up and helped Phil get on his feet.

Phil stopped the music to play as Dan leaned onto the counter. "This is probably the first prom I attended." Said Dan.

"You never been to prom?" Phil gasped. "Why not?"

Dan scratched his head and paused for a bit. "I don't know, maybe I wasn't into spending my money for tuxedos and limos, plus I don't have a date to prom."

"I didn't have a date to prom either." Phil admitted. "But it's the first time to ask someone to dance with me." He grinned. Dan rolled his eyes, letting out a 'tch'.

"Promise!" Phil pleaded. "I was too shy to ask someone to dance with me so I never had a chance to dance with anyone beside my friends who asked me."

"Aw, Philly is too shy." Dan teased and chuckled. "Just kidding. I feel special when I was chosen to dance with someone."

"You are a special snowflake, Dan." Phil let out a smile, gazing into Dan's eyes.


"Hang out with me next week. I'm kinda busy for now." Dan sighed as he held the phone between his ear and shoulder. Phil, at the end of the line let out a deep sigh.

"Yeah, stupid job. But I'll make it up to you." Dan giggled as Phil suggested ways he could see Dan. "Fine, I'll think about it. Goodnight."

Dan fell onto his couch as he ended the call. He looked into the screen. Call ended. 2:02:00. He let out a grinned, thinking how he and Phil talked for 2 hours straight.

2 hours, it sounds like forever to Dan. He wished for it to last. He looked over his previous calls. Most of them were Phil's, while the rest were Luke.

He compared to the time how long he has spoken to Phil. 9 hours has been his longest when Dan listened to Phil breathing in his sleep.

Before he could put down his phone, it vibrated. He looked into his screen and received a message from Phil.

From: Phil
You were my beginning,
The small spark of the fire.

You were my middle,
The burning flame
Embracing my cold body.

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