Chapter five

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(Warnings mentioned in this chapter: Swear words, prostitution, alcohol)

Paradise seemed invisible within the eyes of the hopeless boy, Dan Howell.

He had his eyes shut, feeling the cool air caressing his cheeks. The fringe of his hair obnoxiously flew around his face, but he wouldn't dare placing back from where it was from.

He smirked as it went on, as his close friend Phil Lester laying by the side, twirling his fingers onto the grass that hasn't been cut for months.

"You've been quiet for a while, yet you seem elated." Said Phil, who didn't receive a reply from Dan, who was already lost in his own world.

Phil snorted a little, then grinned, watching how Dan was enjoying himself, from life that almost took him away in slow motion.

Phil placed his picked wildflower on Dan's fringe and poked various places till the wildflower would steadily hold on to Dan's hair from the wind that was challenged to blow it out.

Dan wouldn't mind, in fact he'd allow Phil to grow his garden in Dan's hair, if possible, he'd make the create a beautiful garden.

"Phil?" Dan spoke softly, from the silence with his eyes still closed. Though, the howling wind interrupted a little bit.


"What are you thinking about, Phil?" Dan sighed, picking onto the wildflower from his fringe and fiddled it with his finger.

"Nothing," Phil admitted. He laid down onto the grass and rested his head with his hands behind him. "What about you?"

"Paradise." Dan slowly opened his eyes, only to look at Phil with his eyes moving only.

"Paradise?" Phil asked in curiosity, turned to Dan as he predicted he'll talk about it.

"Yes. No shit people. No sadness. No unnecessary intoxication. Nothing. Everything is white and pure."

"Dan, do you mean by death?"

"No, silly." Dan chuckled.

"But if I die," Dan paused. "Would you feel like you're in paradise because of my non-existence? Because I am always unhappy and I always drink knowing I would feel like absolute shit the next day."

"I don't feel that way. Don't say that." Phil turned, furrowing his eyebrows as he didn't face the paradise dreaming boy.

"Sorry, I thought you were thinking about it."

"Why the bloody hell would I think of your death?!" Phil snapped, turning back to Dan. Phil's disappointing eyes fall towards him.

"I just-" Dan sighed.

Phil stood up, then walked away fuming, giving the attention to Dan turn and get onto his feet.

"Hey wait!" Dan followed Phil, running after him.

"Phil!" Dan screeched, running after him as Phil stomped onto the soil, destroying it below him. The howling of the wind grew, making Dan call out Phil even louder.

"Why don't I take you home?" Phil turned, glaring at him indignantly. "So that we don't have to spend this stupid time in this junk called paradise."

Dan gasped, having his throat tightened, his eyes swelled. He glanced down and nodded, hiding the fact he was almost going to cry.

"Oh okay." Dan choked. He sniffed, hopping inside the passenger seat, afraid to sit right next to the upset Phil Lester.

Silence was never awkward between the two. In a cramped moving vehicle, the thoughts of Dan's were never ending. Pathetic, almost it wouldn't shut up for the last 20 minutes.

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