Chapter 6

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I think this song matches Hayden lol.

Chapter 6

I didn't want hide in my tree fort all day, knowing that my parent's will eventually get bored with each other, and waiting for me. Unlike me, they can't cook to save their lives. I've been cooking since I was six, and it wasn't by choice that I started cooking. Everyday, my mom used to make me watch cooking shows all day and the only books she ever bought me were cookbooks and I was supposed to learn them all.

When I started cook, I followed the instructions to a T, but after so many years of experience, I started experimenting with stuff and found new recipes. At least, new recipes to me, I don't know if they are something somebody else knows.

Well, anyways, I ended up falling asleep in the tree fort and I didn't wake up til the next day. I grabbed my phone and saw that it was almost noon the next day. School was almost over, so there was really no point in going now.

I jumped out of my fort and hit the ground running. I could work some extra hours at the diner, Walker would definitely let me. I decided to do that, and I ran back to my tree and climbed up and into my window. My mother wasn't home because I knew her well enough to know that she can't stand to be here for one day, let alone two.

My father also wasn't here today because today was the day he had to go to our doctor and get his liver checked. Our doctor knows how much my father drinks, and since he can't stop him, he makes him come in once a month to get his liver checked.

I walked into my bathroom and turned on the shower, letting it warm up. I walked out of the bathroom and to my dresser. I grabbed a pair of tan cargo pants and a black belt. I pulled a grey shirt with a big black heart on it out of my closet and my black sneakers. I fished my black to white beanie off of my closet door, which had a bunch of hooks with all my beanies on them.

I walked back in the bathroom and stripped. Thankfully, the skin glue I used was water-resistant, so while can't swim with it on, I could take a shower still. I took a shower that was a little longer than normal, mostly because I didn't have one yesterday and I felt sort of dirty.

After I was done, I toweled my body dry and I got dressed in my bathroom. I walked out of the bathroom, toweling my hair dry, when I jumped back and screamed, almost having a heart attack.

"Dad?" I asked, stunned. "What are you doing here? I thought you had to go to the doctor's today." I watched my father as he sat on my bed.

"I was going to go, but I had rescheduled it." he slurred. He brought the beer bottle up to his lips and took a long drink of it. "Where were you last night?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "And what happened to your face?" I didn't have my make-up in my bathroom, so I didn't have any foundation on, so you could see the full bruise that cover the left side of my jaw.

"Why do you care?" I snapped at him. "You've never cared before." This was the wrong thing to say, because my father launched off of the bed and slammed me against the wall.

"I care about you because you are my own personal chef. I don't want you dead or else I won't get to eat. God knows that bitch I'm married too can't cook." he snarled at me. He let me go and swayed out of my room, drinking his beer again.

I gasped and I snatched my beanie and satchel and jumped out my window without a second thought. I didn't even put on any foundation because I just wanted to escape more than anything else. I took off running to the diner, but as I got closer, I slowed down into a speed walk.

Ignoring everything else, I walked back to the back room and to my locker. Walked noticed me and followed hot on my trail. "Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be in school today." he asked, confused.

I opened my locker and shoved my satchel inside it. I pulled out my small black apron and tied it around my waist. "I didn't go." I said. I shut the locker and walked over to the desk. I grabbed an order pad and a few pens and tucked them into my apron fold. I grabbed the door knob to open the door, but Walker slammed his hand against the door, blocking me from escaping the room.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Nothing." I said. "I fell asleep late and didn't wake up until a half an hour ago."

"There's something else. Something you're not telling me." he said. I snorted and rolled my eyes. Walker knew me better than anyone else, but he still didn't know a lot about me.

"There's a lot of things I don't tell you. I'm not going to spill my guts for you now." I said. Walker narrowed his eyes at me, but pulled away from the door without another word. We walked out and Walker walked to the back and started to help George cook since his other partner was out. I walked over to Mr. Fitzpatrick and smiled at him.

Mr. Fitzpatrick was one of the newer regulars we had, but unlike the other regulars, Mr. Fitzpatrick is only 30 years old, while the others are in their upper 60's. He started coming here during his lunch break, which was about 12:30 - 12:45 and around four o'clock for dinner. He is a divorcee and since he can't cook for himself, he's been coming here now.

"Hey there, Kaylee." he said. I nodded to him and he orders his usual plate of French fries and a hamburger. He gave me a weird look, probably due to my bruise, but didn't say anything about it.

I gave the order to Walker and George and started to wipe down counter. Since today was a school day, and all the students are in school, not many people were in the diner. I left the counter for some tables.

I was in the back tables, the tables it was hard to see from the door, wiping them down, when I felt hands being placed on my hips. I freeze and the person leans over me and breathes next to my ear. "I didn't know you worked here, little firecracker." a voice said in my ear. The only person who called me 'little firecracker' was Hayden.

All my fear left me, and I scowled as I pushed away his hands. I turned around and crossed my arms over my chest. His eyes looked at my bruise for a moment before going back to my eyes, a smirk never leaving his face.

"What are doing here?" I asked. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"I could ask you the same." he said. I rolled my eyes and walked to the next table to be cleaned. Hayde followed me over and leaned against the jukebox we had.

"I working." I said. "How 'bout you? What's your excuse, Casanova?"

He shrugged at me and said, "I got bored." I raised an eyebrow and snorted.

"Of school?" I asked, dramatically and sarcastically. "Oh, how could you ever get bored of school?" I rolled my eyes and walked over to the counter to take someone's order. I gave it back to Walker and turned around and walked straight into Hayden.

"I don't like your tone." he said, scowling down at me. I rolled my eyes and walked around him.

"I don't really care about what you like. I'm not part of the 'Black Angels*', I don't care what you think of me. Hate me if you want." I said, bored. Hayden grabbed my right wrist and pulled me back to him, my back was pressed up against his chest, and his head was next to my ear.

"My interest in you just keeps going up with every word that comes out of your pretty little mouth." he whispered in my ear, and I could feel him smiling. I pulled away from him, and he let me go.

"I don't care, Casanova. Do what you want, just stop following me around. It's annoying and disruptive." I said.

"But, you're different. You don't cower in fear or follow me because you 'looooooove' me." he said, sitting at the table I was wiping down. I rolled my eyes again.

"No, I don't love you, and the reason I'm 'different' from the other girls is because I haven't let you get into my pants. The only girls you haven't done are the transgender ones. Wait! I heard you did them too." I said, bored. Hayden smirked.

"That's true." he admitted. Pig.

"Well, sorry, but I'm not that easy. I don't do love." I said, walking away from him. I leaned on a table and started to wipe it down. He pressed body against mine, matching the curvature of my body again.

"Good, because neither do I." he whispered, before biting my earlobe, pulling away from me and leaving.

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