Shimmy- Chapter Nine

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Monday morning couldn't come fast enough. After my dreadful first night in Miami and the disastrous brunch at my parent's house yesterday, I was more determined than ever to return to New York as quickly as possible.

I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone Sunday morning. The phone kept ringing over and over all morning long, breaking with its aggravating noise the solemn silence of my hotel room; but after the seventh missed call from the lovely Camilla Russell, I had no choice than to stop avoiding her calls. She reminded me that missing brunch would be unforgivable and asked me to please be home on time. Home ...

I used to call that place home until the tragic night that changed our lives. That night I knew I couldn't stay in Miami anymore. I needed distance from my mother and my father, from each of them for very different reasons. I needed to move to a place where I could have a fresh start. New York gave me the possibility to leave it all behind and have a new life.

If this Ms. Stewart is half as smart as my father so eloquently tried to convince me, perhaps it's not necessary for me to stay the whole year. He can finish training her during the last trimester; but to be certain, I first need to meet her and see how fast she can grasp all that she needs to learn about this position. After all, this is our family business, and the Miami Beach hotel is one of the most important resorts in our chain of hotels. I won't leave until she's ready to take control of the hotel.

He might be right. He knows the business better than anyone. His success came early in life and soon he was known as "The Walking Encyclopedia" of this industry. Subsequently, he became one of the biggest entrepreneurs of this field. If he's really listening to those killer and sharp instincts that sets him apart from his colleagues, then he got one hell of a GM. My only predicament is that I don't trust my father's judgement when a woman is involved.

Our conversations are work-related every time we meet. It's safe territory. There are no arguments when we discuss about how or what needs to be improved to be the best in the business. The years were my father was my hero are over. No one can save us; not even my beloved mother who tries incessantly to unite her loved ones to become once again the family we used to be. There's no father and son relationship left, nor brother to brother. We're as dysfunctional as a family can be.

My brother ... I can't stop thinking about Chase. Our conversations from these past two days have left me with more questions than answers. His odd behavior tells me that he's hiding something from me. Why did he leave and didn't take Gabby back to her apartment? What could've happened between them that she left instead with the tattooed asshole baring that stupid smug smile on his face? I'd have erased it permanently if it weren't for Ivy begging me to stop going after that idiot. What the hell is going on between Gabby and him? He kept avoiding all my questions, although he was very adamant to remind me to not come close to Gabby ever again, especially now that I'd be living in Miami for a while.

I'm sure he'll do all in his power to keep me away from her, which is irrelevant. I already made that decision. I'm not running after her again. Ever. I should've never kissed her, but I did. That smoldering feeling between us is still there. Like the first time I set my eyes on her five years ago. Those molten-chocolate eyes still have the power to pull me into her gravitational force like the moon keeps revolving around the earth. Her gravitational, powerful force drags me in, consumes me as much as I'm sure it consumes her. I know she felt the same way I did. This...magnetism between us is undeniable. I couldn't stop myself when I looked in her eyes. She looked so beautiful. Her smell, her taste ... The way her body felt against mine was exhilarating. She's a perilous drug and highly addictive to my senses. Her innocence, her goodness and her beauty beguiled me. She stormed into my life without even realizing how much I needed her. Not even I knew how much I needed her until our eyes met that haunting night.

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