Chapter 1: The Long Journey

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*Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock...* the continuous clicking of the classroom clock echoed through the tense room. All eyes were watching the second hand flick around slowly, their hands clenching more and more every time it signalled another second had gone past. Students were edging closer and closer to the edge of their seats, digging their nails into their desks. The ticking seemed to get louder the closer it got to the '12' and time seemed to slow down.

The teacher stood at the front of the class droning away about how all students should study to the best of their potential. The students weren't listening to a word the teacher was saying so she was basically talking to herself.

"Come on," Chen urged biting his bottom lip, his eyes getting wider an wider the more the hand moved around the plastic face. "30 more seconds," he muttered under his breath and his friend punched his shoulder playfully and grinned widely.

"10... 9... 8... 7... 6..." the class chanted counting the last few seconds as they clicked away. "5... 4... 3... 2...1." The entire class erupted into a chorus of whoops and cheers. The students grabbed their work and threw it up into the air. "Summer holiday!" Chen ducked as a book flew in his direction and he tried his best not to fall off his seat.

"Come on, Chen, let's get out of this dump," Xiumin said and tugged against his arm and pulled him out of the room. "Let's go to the beach."

Chen shook his head and pulled his arm away from his friends grip. "I can't, I'm going out with the family."

Xiumin sulked and folded his arms across his chest. "For god sakes, you never come surfing with us anymore."

Chen scowled at his friend. "That is not true, this is the first time I won't be going, it's always Lay who doesn't go."

Xiumin rolled his eyes and shook his head slowly from side to side. "That's because he always forgets." He then looked at his friend with a mischievous grin set on his lips. "Make sure you say hello to your sister for me." Xiumin wriggled his eyebrows and nudged his fist against Chen's shoulder.

Chen gave his mate a dirty look and narrowed his eyes into slits. "She is NOT my sister!" He hissed through clenched teeth. If only looks could kill.

Xiumin held his hands up, his palms facing out in defence. "Calm down, jeeze... I don't know why you hate her so mu-" Xiumin stopped talking and his eyes focused ahead.

Chen followed his friends line of sight and saw you stood in a small group of your friends giggling away happily as you walked towards him. When you saw Chen you smiled. "Hey bro, you ready?" You said with a smile on your pretty face and he just glared at you through his eyebrows.

"I guess so," he muttered unenthusiastically under his breath.

You grabbed hold of his arm and linked yours with his towing him away towards the front entrance of the school. "Mum and dad are waiting outside." Chen groaned and sighed heavily. You looked at him with raised eyebrows. "What's wrong, bro?"

"Listen, ________, first things first, I am not your brother-" he yanked his arm away from yours and you winced. "-and secondly, because of this stupid trip I can't go surfing."

"You can surf where we're going." You looked at him with a saddened expression.

He stared at you with anger in his expression. "I meant with my friends, you idiot!" He said coldly and walked faster trying to get as much distance as he could between you and him. You watched him walk away and your heart sunk deep in your chest. You followed behind him slowly and got into your parents car next to your step-brother. Chen shuffled as close to the door as he could and rested his elbow on the window sighing heavily, pushing the air out of his lungs.

"Will you stop moaning, Chen," the middle aged woman sat in the front said and the man next to her started to drive.

"You can't tell me what to do," he hissed and his father scowled at him by looking in the rear view mirror.

"Don't you dare speak to your mother like that!" His dad said and pulled the car onto the motorway.

Chen laughed evilly. "She is not my mother. You replaced her remember!"

His father growled deep in his throat and gripped the steering wheel tightly. "You listen to me mister, your mother left on her own accord, I'm married to LiMae now and you will respect that!" His father shouted. You winced and pulled a face, you had never heard your step-dad yell like that before... Never! "Do you understand?!"

Chen sulked but nodded his head, letting his head drop into his hand. *this is going to be a long journey* you thought and decided to get a little nap to pass the awkward silence.

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