Chapter 8: Don't Say A Word

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He shot up off his bed and looked down into your teary eyes. "You... you mean... all this time, all the times you acted like a total arse it is b-because me?" Your heart beat quickly in your chest, you ran into your room and he rushed after you.

He shut the door and locked it to give you both some space. You sat on your bed and cried into your hands. "Listen-" Chen started.

"No! You listen!" You spat. "You've acted like a total prick to me for six years, and now I find out you love me!" You looked up at him to see he was crying as badly as you. "Why, Jongdae, why didn't you tell me?"

He sighed and looked down at his feet. "Because of what people would think. They'd bully me... I mean, it's not very often you hear about a guy who's in love with his step-sister." He looked at you. "Is it?"

You stood up and moved to stand in front of him. You looked up into his teary eyes and smiled meekly. "Who cares what people think?"

"I do-" you cut him off. You stood on your tiptoes and crashed your lips against his. It was weird... Weird how it didn't feel wrong at all. Your feelings for him had always been more than the love you feel for a brother... Much much more.

He gasped in shock. The feel of your lips of his sent his heart beating ten fold, his breathing stopped completely. "I don't know what to say," Chen mumbled, trying his best to catch his breath, your lips mere millimeters away from his.

"For once," you spoke softly. "Don't say a word." He laughed and pulled you into his chest.

He pressed his lips lightly to yours, and smiled into the kiss, tears of joy rolling down his cheeks. You both parted and he wrapped his arms tightly around your shoulders and you laced yours around his toned waist, resting your head against his strong chest. He let his head rest on yours and mumbled into your hair, "I'll say one thing, this is going to be very difficult to explain."

Shamed (Exo's Chen) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now