Chapter 6: Perfection

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"What are you doing?" You giggled and tried to peep through the fingers Sehun was holding over your eyes. He was walking right behind you covering your eyes and you were so excited you felt like squealing. This was the first date you had ever been on and you couldn't wait to find out what was in store. You could hear the waves crashing clearly against the sandy shore and the birds chirped away happily above your heads.

"Just wait and see," he chuckled and lead you closer to your surprise. You tried to pull his fingers apart to get a peak but they wouldn't budge. "Stop trying to peak, you'll ruin it."

"Sehun, seriously? You've known me for a very long time, you should know by now that I hate nothing more that surprises." You folded your arms across your chest and let him lead the way.

He laughed and shook his head. "You're gonna love this one." He pulled his hands away from your face and the breath caught in your throat. Set on the sand ahead of you was something you had always dreamed off. A large towel had been set out and set in the middle was a large picnic basket. You couldn't believe it, the sight before your eyes was perfect.

"How did you know?" You gasped and looked up at Sehun. He just smiled at you and pulled you over. You sat down and took your shoes off. He passed you a glass out of the basket and filled it with lemonade. And picked a small tub out of the basket, opened it and ate one of the green grapes before setting it aside.

He smiled at you and dug a fork into a piece of cake and held it out towards you. You opened your mouth and chewed. It tasted delicious, the soft sponge and tasty strawberry jam and cream soothed your taste buds. "Hmm," you rumbled deep in your throat and you smiled at him. "Yummy."

Sehun smiled at you and put some more cake on the fork and munched away. He stuck his tongue out at you and you started to giggle. You grabbed the grapes and shuffled to sit directly across form Sehun. "Here," you said and held a grape up in the air.

"Ooh, I love this game," he said happily and faced you. You threw the grape towards him and it landed directly in his mouth. "Yes!" He punched the air and chewed. "Your turn." He pick up some grapes and you opened your mouth. He threw the grapes at you and they all bounced off your face, not one landed in your mouth.

"Uh!" You grunted and stared at him with your mouth wide.

He laughed. "Oh my god that was so bad!" You got up on your feet and he scrambled to his, running away from you as you chased him holding the grapes he threw at you in your hand. You threw one at him and it bounced off the back of his head. He ran into the ocean and jumped over the waves, struggling to get away with the waves crashing against his legs. He spun around to face you holding up his hands in defence. "Wait!" He yelled.

Your eyes shot open and you crashed into his chest. You screamed and he fell back into the water, you landing on his chest. You looked down into his eyes and he laughed. Looking up you gasped and rolled off him and ran out of the water on your hands and knees, escaping as quickly as you could. "Sehun!" You screamed and when he looked at you, you pointed behind him.

He turned and saw the gigantic wave hurdling towards him. He yelled and got to his feet but he wasn't quick enough. The wave caught up to him and knocked him over and he disappeared. "Sehun! SEHUN!" He jumped to his feet spluttering, drenched to the bone. You laughed at him so hard you started snorting, "Lets get back to mine, we can dry off." He nodded and you both headed back to your families holiday cabin. He picked up the basket one the way walking like he had just soiled himself.

Shamed (Exo's Chen) [COMPLETE]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz