Chapter 2: Why?

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Your eyes flickered open and the setting sun shone through your window and burnt your eyes so you quickly moved your hand to shield them from the strong spring rays. You focused outside and realised that you were parked outside your families summer cabin.

You all grabbed your bags from the car boot and headed inside. Everything was the how you remembered it. The two soft arm chairs stood beside the sofa and they all surrounded the small television set. The open plan living space was cool and the air was as little stiff so your mother opened the patio doors that lead out onto the deck that overlooked the large pool.

You smiled to yourself and pulled your case behind your, struggling to carry it up the stairs to your room but you somehow managed. You set it on your floor beside your bed and routed through it for your swimming costume. You came across your sky blue floral bikini so you stripped and put it on. Too excited to pack your stuff away you grabbed your beach towel and ran down the stairs hopping over the case Chen had left at the bottom and bolted it outside whooping.

Throwing your towel on one of the loungers you sprung into the air, tucked your legs to your chest, hugging them tightly and bombed into the cold refreshing water.

"WOOHOO!!" Resurfacing you wiped your face with your hands and smiled to yourself. You kicked your feet off the bottom of the floor and floated around on your back with your eyes closed, listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the beach witch was set just behind the cabin, the birds chirping away in the trees above your head.

"Look out!" A familiar voice yelled and you opened your eyes to see Chen was running towards you. You dived under the water and swam out of the way just in time, as he splashed into the pool just where you had been floating.

You grabbed one of the beach balls and launched it at his head. "Watch what you're doing! You could have hit me," you screamed. He looked at you with a crooked smile and winked at you. And then before you knew it you were coughing and spluttering as water rocket up your nostrils. "Stop it!" You yelled and turned to face away as he continued to splash you.

He started to laugh evilly and you reached for the pool spaghetti and started to attack him with it, whacking him across the head. Chen took a deep breath and dove under the water and you lost him. You looked around but couldn't see his reflection.

A scream escalated past your lips and a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and you were hoisted up into the air out of the water and slung over Chen's shoulder into a fire mans lift. You smacked away at his back but he didn't let go and carried on walking up the ramp and out of the pool. He stood at the deep end and you continued to thump your fists against him but he just laughed.

He lifted you off his shoulder and threw you into the water. Water drained into your mouth and washed down your throat and some snorted up your nose and burned at the back of your mouth. Your eyes stung as the chlorine washed into them and you scrambled to get out of the water while your step brother just stood bent over in fits of laughter.

"Jongdae, you're such a prick!" You coughed violently trying not to vomit. Wiping at your face with your wet hands you scowled up at him as you were treading water. "I could have drowned!"

"Are you being serious?" He looked at you with his head tilted slightly to the side. "The pool is 8 foot deep, it's not like its the ocean." He snorted a laugh and you stomped out of the water grabbing your towel and you wiped at your face.

"You can drown in a inch of water you pathetic piece of..." You didn't finish, you left that bit to his imagination. You stormed into the house and pushed past your mum and slammed your bedroom door before dropping onto your bed. You grabbed your pillow held it to your face and screamed into the fabric, wrapping it around your head to muffle the yelps.

You fell back lying across the now damp quilt and sighed heavily, your throat still stinging from the water you had accidentally swallowed. "Why does he have to be my brother?"

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