Chapter 4: In The Dark

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"Jongdae," you whispered, poking your head round the corner of his bedroom door only to realise that he was sleeping. "Has he slept like that all night?" you asked yourself and started to giggle. He was half on the bed, half off it, his leg was dangling off the side of his bed and his head was set underneath his pillow instead of on it, he was also still wearing his swimming trunks and he was clutching something tightly against his bare chest.

You peered over to see whether or not he had heard you come in but he hadn't moved at all. You reached over and gently pulled the frame from his arms and looked at the picture. *Why is he hugging this?* you asked yourself but shook the thought out of your head and set the frame neatly on the draws. You shook his shoulder gently and he snorted loudly and started to stir. "Errgh," he groaned sleepily and pried his eyes open.

His eyes gazed around the room quickly before finally focusing on you and you smiled warmly at him. "Breakfast is ready, so get dressed." You nudged your fist playfully against his shoulder and walked out of his room to give him some privacy so he could change.

Chen watched you leave and when he realised that he was no longer holding the picture he started to panic, he pulled the wet duvet off the bed, threw the pillows across the room and checked under the bed. When he noticed it on the draw he held his hand over his heart in relief. *Thank god*. He got dressed and went down stairs to sit at the small breakfast bar across from you.

You smiled at him and started to eat the full English breakfast your mum had set out in front of you. "Hmm, thanks mum." Your mother smiled at you and stroked your long hair. "Erm, mum," you said nervously as you swallowed a piece of sausage.

"Yes deary," your mum placed Chen's breakfast down and went back to plate her own and her husbands up.

"Am I allowed to go out later?" You looked up at your mum with pleading puppy eyes, hoping she would say yes.

She looked at you and raised an eyebrow. "Where?"

"I... Erm... I've been asked to go on a d-date." You stuttered and smiled down at your food shyly. You mother smiled widely and told you that you could defiantly go and she was happy you were going out.

Chen's heart shattered like glass and a sharp stabbing pain charged through his chest, and his stomach flipped and he had to hold a retch. *Who the hell is he* he thought angrily, despising being kept in the dark. It took him a minutes to realised that he had been digging the end of his knife into the wood of the breakfast bar. He put his hand on his lap to hide it and balled it up into a tight fist.

"Are you okay?" You asked him and tilted your head to get a better look at his face. He was looking directly down at his lap with a stone cold expression set on his handsome face.

"Just peachy," he hissed through his teeth and stood up from his stool and ran up stairs, the last thing you heard of him was the loud grunt he did as he slammed his door with force. You looked at his plate to see he hadn't eaten anything.

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