Chapter 5: Reactions

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You were panicking... Really panicking. Your date was due here in ten minutes and you still hadn't managed to pick out a decent enough outfit. You had managed to apply your makeup but you kept asking your mum to check to make sure it hadn't magically turned you into a clown.

You gripped your hair in frustration and squealed trough clenched teeth. "Why does everything have to be so bloody hard!" You grunted and kicked your nightstand but soon regretted it when your big toe started to throb violently. "Guys have no idea how easy they have it." You gave up and just pulled your white strapless summer dress with red flowers on and slipped your feet into your red converse low-tops.

The door knocked and you ran down stairs excitedly and checked your reflexion in the mirror before you opened the door. Chen was slumped on the sofa watching the telly but his focus wasn't on the TV, it was on you; his ears primed.

The door opened to reveal your date stood there on the porch. He was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans with white high top converse and a neat white polo. He smiled widely holding his hands behind his back.

"I've brought you something," he spoke softly and moved his hand round to hand you a single delicate rose, it was in full bloom and the bright red shade of the petals matched your dress perfectly.

"Thank you," you smiled weakly trying not to blush in fear that you would turn the same shade as the flower.

Chen looked towards the door and fidgeted, moving his legs onto the sofa to prop himself up so he could get a better view. And when he saw who was stood on the other side of the threshold his blood started to boil and steam poured out of his ears. He clenched his jaw and punched his hands into fists. "Sehun?!" He hissed under his breath. He stood up and moved to stand at your side. "What are you doing here?"

Sehun smiled at Chen and patted his mate on the back. "I'm here to pick ________-noona up." Chen looked down at the flower you were holding and had to force himself not to yank it out your hand and tear it up.

"I don't recall you asking my permission." Chen scowled at him and he stood up straight, easing one of his eyebrows upwards.

"I didn't know I had to," Sehun seemed a little intimidated by the way Chen was acting towards him.

"Jongdae!" You hissed and nudged him with your elbow. "Stop being so overprotective. I'm 18, I can take care of myself."

Chen looked down at you and scoffed. "Me... protective... over you?" He blew a raspberry and laughed wickedly. "Please!" And he stormed back to sit on the sofa in his spot, deep inside him his emotions were bubbling up into a large broth, making him feel incredibly sick. He watched you as you left with Sehun his heart tearing more and more. *How dare Sehun ask her out!* he thought and his mind flicked to thoughts of you and Sehun together as a couple and his stomach clenched. "This can not happen! Not while I have feelings for her!" He muttered to himself and spent the rest of the night sulking like a five year old who hadn't been allowed to get the sweets he wanted.

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