Lie To Me

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*Regina P.O.V.*

James and I haven't talked since he found out that I gave it up to Kameron, and he's been giving Kameron the cold icy shoulder so he won't have to punch him in the face. Jamison and I are twins so whatever emotion he feels trigger insides me deeper and it hurts.

I've been real sad and lonely lately because I'm a reflection of my brother. So I keep my distance from him now and I've been staying with London for the past two weeks now.

I had just finished my homework for physics on London's bed and my phone rings for the third time it was Kameron. I hit decline and put my books in my bag and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I'm not talking to Kameron, he ruined my relationship with my brother and it sucks that he is icing me out.

I'm to fragile to handle situations like this.

*London P.O.V.*

I just had put Jimmy to bed and got on the phone with James

"She isn't feeling well" I informed him

"I could have sworn I was calling about our son, not my sister..."

"Can you please come over and talk to her, she hasn't spoken forreal since you found out that her and Kam hooked up"

"I know"

"Don't you think that's a little childish?"

"Don't you think it's a little disrespectful?"

"I understand where you coming from because that's your only family and your little sister, but Kam loves her"

"I don't care." He said and then hangs up. I scoffed and went to my bedroom and discover that Regina phone was ringing and it was Kam

"Hey Kam"

"London? Where Regina?"


"Have she talk to James yet?"

"Nope, he ignoring her and you together"

"Man what the fuck dude... Alright then tell her to call me back"

"Ight." I said then hung up the phone.

I took out my iPad and went online to check out some hotels, we all need a minute to relax because we were way in over our heads and growing up to fucking fast. Plus James and Regina birthday was coming up next week. I checked again and this waterpark is a hotel too, It was called Kalahari. It'll be nice to be a kid again. I should let Regina look at this and wait till everyone is friends again

"Good night" Regina said coming out of the bathroom with her pjs on and went to sleep. I put my iPad away and got comfortable to go to sleep

*Jamison P.O.V.*

I woke up at seven in the morning and walked into the bathroom, before I get to my morning routine, I had to roll up and smoke a blunt, okay maybe two blunts before school, then I started to get ready for school with my eyes heavy and red as fuck.

I drove under the speed limit for school because I was so high and bumping Drake on my sounds. When I got to the school parking lot, I was clearly the center of attention but I didn't give a fuck.

I locked my car and walked up the stairs to the hallway, passing London and Regina.

I didn't go to my locker, or the guidance counselor for my meeting with the dean of some fucking college she want me to go to, I went straight to homeroom waiting for class to start. London dashed into the classroom and got in my face

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