Wishing That I Was Yours

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*London P.O.V.*
After the waterpark it was an uncomfortable ride back with James and Selena. I mean I'm the mother of his son, so I didn't understand why she feels so territorial to have the title of Jamison's girlfriend.

I understand she known him since they were like two, but what Jamison and I had was real too. And you can't just throw away two years of love because of a childhood friend. I feel like there's no competition...

I have his baby and his sister is my best friend so I don't understand why she still tryna fuck with him. Plus she won't even be here! Her ass will be back on the West Coast writing letters. As James drove, I sit in the back with Selena and she fiddles with her fingers and look out the window with her earphones in. She haven't spoken since we have got in the car, so I took that initiative to talk to Jamison and Regina about Jimmy.

"So I called my daddy and he said that Jimmy was standing on his own"

"Aww! That's so cool! I gotta see my nephew real soon!" Regina said and James agreed

"How about you come over tonight?" I asked

"Girl I have too! The rest of my things are there, Selena is gonna help me move in with Kameron..." she said seriously

"Kameron asked you to move in with him?" I asked shockingly

"Yeah, not because of our relationship. It's because my own brother is kicking me out of the apartment"

"Regina we talked about this... our lease is up and we need to be closer to school."

"Wait? So James where are you going to live?"

"Since the lease is up, I bought a nice condo like ten minutes away from the school. I move in on Friday... so I got like three days to get Me and Gigi's shit outta the apartment"

"Is it big?" I asked

"Yes. It's new too, three bedroom with some expensive ass interior designs and bay windows...but the rent is unbeatable" he said

"Yeah I hope it has enough closet space for Selena's clothes" Regina said and she chuckles with James

"Selena!" Regina said and realized she had earphones on. Regina threw a piece of paper at her to catch her attention

"What happened?" Selena asked taking her earphones out

"We were talking about you coming back home" she said

"Yeah, I can't wait to see my parents and my old room..." she said. Gigi said that she had to go to the restroom so we stopped at the rest stop and I went to the restroom with Gigi. As I held the stall door for Gigi as she did her business I spoke out loud

"Why are you promoting Selena and Jamison to get back together?" I asked her

"Hey hey hey... James is fair game, remember when you told him that you didn't want to be in a relationship only because of Jimmy, yeah you put yourself in that situation. Knowing this is James we're talking about! That he'll take an out if you give him one"

"I know, but I didn't expect him to go along with it. I thought since we had a child he'll calm down all that sleeping around shit"

"He did, for a while... ever since you said you didn't wanna get back together. He only slept with two girls, and one of them just so happened to be Selena"

"So what are you saying? I should have let him hit again?"

"No. I'm saying you should have taken your chance when I gave it to you" she said. And I let go of the door so she could wash her hands

"I know you pushed us together so he'll finally meet Jimmy but he made it seem like he only wanted to be in a relationship because of Jimmy"

"So what? You two could have learn to love again after two months but no you didn't. You said no. What do you want from him?"

"I just want him..." I said

"I'm sorry London, but it's just too late"

"So he chose Selena?"

"No. Selena has been in love with Jamison since they were ten years old, once Selena came back that love rekindle immediately. That has nothing to do with me, all I did was give them the liquor courage for those feelings to unleash. I didn't put them in a room together and said fuck... you did" she said. She was right, but it was only to see if he would fuck her and he did

"He failed the test..." I said

"I love you and my brother... but that should tell you that maybe he isn't the one, he's just your first love that you had a baby with" she said and leaves the restroom

*Selena's P.O.V.*
I stayed in the car with my earphones still on and booming in my ears. I'm going to keep to myself until I get to my parents house. I looked at the time and saw that we still have seven more hours of driving time.

I hopped outta the truck and walked into the restroom; passing Jamison disapproving stares. I walked into the ladies room while Regina was walking out and I seen London with a sour patch face once I walked in.

I didn't understand the situation she had with me, but I know she betta fix her face! I'm not about fighting over niggas, especially a nigga that didn't wanna be trapped in the first place. I washed my hands and walked back out and right in front of me was Jamison

"Can I help you?" I asked him

"Waasup with you?" He asked defensively

"Why don't you ask yo baby's mother!" I said and London comes at the mist of things and reached for me but James got in between us

"Bitch don't try to talk about me behind my fuckin back hoe!!" London's said pointing fingers

"Hoe!? Bitch you been mean muggin and sending bitch stares my way since I got here! And I don't know you! You just a hateful ass person!" I said

"Aye! Both of y'all chill tha fuck out!" James said

"Nah Jamison fuck you! You have me believe that we could have really have something!!! You lead me on thinking we was going to be a family and now you gon and fuck this bitch when you should have been in my bed!!!" London said

"Is this true, Jamison?" Selena asked

"I didn't lead you on shit! I told you what we should've been when I first met my son and you said no! You left my bed last night! I'm sorry you was sending mixed emotions!" James said. Everyone went silent and I had to pull James back from her. James never been so heated, maybe she really did break his heart

"Come on let's all just go home" I said and London drove the rest of the way with Curtis. I sat in the front seat with James... well then that was extremely exciting

Seven hours later we had arrived back home, Jamison dropped Regina off over Kameron's and then took me over my parents house. I grabbed my purse while he grabbed my bag, I stood in the living room of my house and no one was home. Seriously! I looked in the kitchen and bedroom and no one! But a note left for the maid. I planned on surprising them but they're on vacation to the Bahamas again!

"They went to the Bahamas this morning..." I told him, he didn't say anything just rubbed on my shoulder

"Well you can stay at my place until they come back" he said and I chuckled sarcastically

"Yeah, right. You don't even want a relationship, I'm not staying on your couch..." I told him

"You'll be in my bed. Selena, will you please move in with me?" He asked me. I looked into his eyes and they were looking dead into my soul

"What are we doing, James?" I asked him

"Restoration of our relationship." He said

"Let me just get some more clothes, for the night" I told him and went upstairs to get a few outfits together in a new bag and my necessities and we were out. As we drove he reached for my hand

"So will it be to much ask...to stay with me?" He said

"I don't know James...are you sure?" I asked seriously. He just looked at me so I took that as a yes.

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