Girls Need Love

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*Regina's P.O.V*
I just finished flat ironing my now black colored hair. It was time for a new color, the red hair got old. Kameron likes it. I applied eyeliner and some lip gloss, I wasn't going to heavy on my makeup since it was Monday. I wasn't going to heavy on my outfit either, just some grey leggings and my navy blue shirt with my PINK brand flops. I'm still cute, and I'll continue to be cute all through Hillcrest High. I continue to admire myself until my music was interrupted and my phone rings

"Hi Bestfriend!" I squealed

"Regina where you at? Class is in ten minutes..." London said. I looked at the time it was ten till nine, I rolled my eyes

"I'm sorry, I'm on my way...I'm ready it's just that my alarm went off thirty minutes later that usual"

"Why?" She asked

"Cuz Kameron doesn't have to wake up until eight. Seniors go to school later than the under classmates"

"Oh my god! don't tell me you running off Kam's schedule?"

"No. It's Monday. I just wanted to spend a extra hour with my man..."

"Eww Gigi y'all fucked?"

"Girl...that boy is still on punishment, trust me I'm tempted though. Imma be there in a few, tell Jamison I said to give me my green binder too" I told her then hung up.

I walk outta the bathroom and into the bedroom to grab my bag. While Kameron comes in the bedroom sweaty and fine as hell with his shirt off and sweat pants on

"You like what you see?" He asked jokingly

"Mmhm...No! Umm I gotta go to school see you later" I told him but he blocks the door

"Ight I'll see you there" he said leaning down to give me a kiss, but this kiss wasn't a little peck on the cheek. I dropped my bag and Kameron lifts me up and put me against the wall

"Com'on baby, you know you want too" he whispers in my ear. I melt but I fought the urge to give in

"Kameron imma be later than what I'm already am... and it's a long walk to school"

"You wouldn't have to walk if you just get yo license so I can buy you a car"

"Okay, fine but that doesn't mean you get to push me against the wall and start touching me..."

"Wow okay... you got it" he said and I stand on my own two feet again and picking my bag up off the floor

"Now goodbye" I said then leaving the house and walking ten minutes to school.

I sighed once I reached Hillcrest High school double doors. I hate it here, I don't give a fuck about how popular I am here, I hate this damn school. I switched my way to my locker and grabbed my notebook and my history book, I see that London haven't told Jamison to give back my binder cuz it ani't in my locker. I sighed louder and slammed my locker door. It was another minute before the bell rings for second period. So I missed my chemistry class today... fuck! I walk to Chemistry class to obtained anything I had missed

"Well if it isn't little miss Hillcrest Queen" the teacher said standing from his desk

"You know Harrison, Regina is fine too. A little short then the sarcastic name calling"

"Regina what can I help you with" he sighed

"I just want a run down from today's class"

"And you couldn't ask one of your classmates that was in the class, like London"

"For your information, no I did not. I came straight here to my teacher for a more accurate understanding of today's class not a fucked up attitude from yo uptight bitter ass. Now I clearly see I have made an mistake. Have a good day Harrison" I said and then walked to my next class

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