3. Complications

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"So, I guess we have a sister, Sammy. Who'd a thought?" Dean said a little reluctantly. I could still tell they didn't trust me completely. We sat at one of the picnic tables as the sun started to go down after I asked both of them to return the favor of the holy-water-silver-knife test with my own set of materials. Both of them checked out as fully human, obviously.

"I still can't wrap my head around Adam having a twin sister, I mean, he didn't mention you any of the times we were with him," Sam reflected.

I shifted my weight on the bench and crossed my arms on the table, contemplating the best way to go about speaking.

"My family and I left off on a bad note about three years ago. Me and my mom got in a big fight. She wanted me to stay home, go to medical school, but ever since I found out my da- our dad- was a hunter, that's all I wanted to be."

"And how is that decision working out for you?" Dean asked.

"I wish I could do anything to take it back."

Dean nodded knowingly, "Least you had the choice to be in the life. Though now that I think about it, maybe that's worse, knowing you were given the chance to choose differently. I can't say the job doesn't have it's perks though."

I couldn't agree more.

We were all silent for a moment, thinking about this insane life we were both voluntarily and involuntarily sucked into.

Then Sam asked, "And what about Adam, what was his place in all this, unless he didn't know?" 

"He wasn't around for the argument I had with my mother and he never knew what our father did, or about our kind of hunting in general. He was only there to see me run out on my family, so I can imagine he was pretty pissed off at me."
The guilt and grief rose through my chest again and I forced myself to ask the question I had been holding back.

"So what happened to my mother and brother that got them both killed? I feel like there's much more to this than I thought."

Sam and Dean glanced at each other, as if trying to decide how much to disclose at the moment. It was Sam who spoke first.

"Adam and your mother were killed by ghouls, I don't know if you know much about them but they can take the form of the people they kill as well as steal their memories. The ghoul that impersonated Adam baited us into thinking the real Adam needed help finding his mother-"

"Turns out the damn ghouls tricked us which nearly got us killed..." Dean began angrily, then stopped himself, "N-not that that's important, I mean obviously your family had it worse...I mean..." Dean looked to his brother for help, at a loss for words.

Sam obliged, "We're sorry for your loss, is what Dean was trying to say. Adam was a good kid, and I'm sure your mother was a good person. They didn't deserve what happened to them." I looked Sam and Dean in the eyes and knew that they meant what they said, even if Dean had a little trouble getting his point across.    

I sat back in silence and readjusted my glasses. I knew all about ghouls, I hunted a couple nasty ones down in Florida and I gotta say, they gave me the creeps. And to know that's how my family was killed...

"Thank you...um," I swallowed and looked down at my hands. I was silent for a while and I was thankful for the brothers giving me the opportunity to try and think of a way to change the subject for the time being. "So... Where's John? I figured you'd tell him I called."

Turns out this subject was the exact opposite I wanted to deal with at the moment when Dean said, "Our father's dead. He died around six years ago. I'm sorry."

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