8. Expect the Unexpected

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"So, what was the content of the note you were handed, James?" Sam inquired.

Once the question had been asked, James glared at Sam as if he had just killed his cat.

We all sat around the same table. I called Sam over once we made sure Short Fuse over here was telling the truth about getting a mysterious note handed to him. I eyed him and his brother, Robert, carefully. There was a definite age difference between the two with Robert being at least a good ten years senior to James and in his mid-thirties. Like I said before, I could also see the family resemblance. They both had black hair, tan complexions, and were both a bit vertically challenged. Robert seemed like a nice dude, the way he apologized for James's attitude. James on the other hand had some serious anger issues, and I didn't think they were a product of the alcohol like his brother had suggested. He didn't even look like he was the least bit hammered.

"Why don't you read it yourself," James uttered savagely in response to Sam's question and reached into his jacket pocket. I couldn't help myself but to also maneuver my hand so that it settled inside my own coat where my gun was tucked away. James noticed this little movement and gave me a smirk as he flipped out a crumpled piece of notebook paper and shoved it in Sam's direction.

"What, you don't trust me? You honestly think I would pull a weapon in a room full of witnesses? I'm not that idiotic. But you on the other hand..." James taunted while Sam read over the note. The way he said it gave me a feeling there were layers that ran a whole lot deeper than what he was letting on.

"James-" Robert started in exasperation.

"No, hang on," Marie held up a hand. "I really want to know what your problem is, James? We've done nothing to wrong you," She stated, her tone angry.

James laughed. Not in the way like he thought it was funny, but more in the way like he was resisting the urge to rip off our heads.

"Done nothing to wrong me?...If all three of you would just pull your heads out of your asses, you'd know exactly-"

"James enough. I have no idea what's gotten into you lately, but you haven't been acting like yourself," Robert interrupted. He then turned to the three of us and said sincerely, "I apologize for my brother's behavior, truly. Perhaps we should step outside to carry on our discussion? I think James needs to air out."

"And I don't think our topic of conversation is meant for outside ears," Sam added in apprehension, holding up the note and making eye contact with me and Marie. I glanced around and realized he was right, I didn't want our discussion to travel through the bar like a game of Telephone. Especially when we were trying to keep this case under wraps.

"Great idea," James said with an odd look in his eye.

We stood up and made our way to a side exit of the bar. While walking, Sam handed me the note that James had given him. As soon as we were outside in the putrid, darkly lit alley that ran beside the bar I read the note out loud, wanting to get down to business already.

"'James, you will receive the revenge you deserve for what Robert has done to you. Be prepared, I'm coming.'"

There was a moment of silence as everyone thought about the implications of the note. Then, with her voice on edge, Marie asked, "Who gave you the note James?"

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