20. ...And he Shall Appear

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The first thing I noticed about the man standing in our doorway was that the hand holding the gun was shaking. The second thing was that he was wearing a gray hoodie that partially covered the top half of his face.

Not a very smart idea, I thought as my heart pounded with adrenaline. He can't really see anything.

Apparently I was not the only one who thought this because in one quick flash of movement, Dean knocked the gun out of the man's hand and unceremoniously punched him in the face so hard he fell to the ground. Dean immediately grabbed him by the front of his hoodie, lifted him up, and pushed him back against the wall with a ferocity that I had only seen a few times before. He pressed against the man's neck with his forearm until the he let out a wheezing breath.

"Who are you?" Dean demanded.

The man let out an incomprehensible and strangled retort that forced Dean to relieve some of the pressure he was applying to the intruder's windpipe. Instantly, the man's lips curled into a cocky smirk.

A jolt shot through me as I recognized the upturned lips.

Before I could react and stop this situation from getting any worse, the man brought his knee harshly up between Dean's legs in an effort to free himself from the hunter's grip. It worked, and Dean stumbled away from the intruder with a grunt of pain. The man had little time to revel in gaining the upper hand because Sam immediately took his brother's place and grabbed him by the front of his hoodie. He practically threw the shorter man across the room where he stumbled against one of the unmade motel beds. Sam made a sweep for the gun and turned around with the weapon in hand just in time to aim it at the intruder who was about to instigate an attack from behind.

"Don't!" I yelled, not sure to whom exactly I was shouting the warning to.

Sam swayed for an instant before halting completely, but his gun never wavered from where he had it pointed at the intruder's heart. The man halted in his tracks and turned towards me. The smirk he once wore so proudly an instant ago fell from his mouth as if it were never there in the first place. During the action his hood had fallen surreptitiously from his head, revealing jet black hair, upturned eyes, and high cheekbones. His right jaw was beginning to swell up from the impact of Dean's fist. Yep, there was no doubt about it, I knew exactly who this man was.

Speak of the devil.

Mason took a step towards me but was halted by the sound of a click that resonated from his confiscated gun.

"Don't move," Sam ordered. The familiar intruder and I turned our head in Sam's direction where he had straightened his back and taken better aim. He still looked wobbly on his legs, but there was no mistaking where he had his gun pointed.

"Sam-" I began.

"Dean, you okay?" Sam cut me off, glancing over his shoulder for an instant before bringing his gaze back to our supposed intruder. Dean groaned as he stood up and limped his way over to his brother's side.

"I'll live," Dean stated in a hitched and raspy voice. He turned his attention toward Mason with a rather incredulous look on his reddened face. "Dude, why are your knees so sharp? If I were you, I would get those checked out. It's not natural."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2017 ⏰

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