14. Transformations

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It wasn't until I burst back into the ruined house after getting Garth to a safe distance did I realize how completely screwed we were. My heart jumped in my throat as I witnessed the shifter that impersonated Dean choking the life out of Sam. Even as I watched in frozen horror, Sam's hand that was trying to push away against Shifter-Dean's face shook violently and collapsed down by his side.

"Sam!" I yelled in panic.

I started running towards the gun that was laying several feet behind the shifter. The skills I learned during my hunting stint in Florida shone through when I dived for the gun and twisted on my heel so that I was facing towards the back of the shifter. I unloaded three consecutive bullet rounds into the monster's back, slightly pained that it looked so much like Dean. But I saw what tipped Sam off in the first place when the shifter turned around; there was no bruise on Shifter-Dean's nose from the hard whack of the broom stick Garth delivered in his moment of self-defense. This solved mystery wasn't the main occupier in my mind though; the bigger problem at large was that the shifter wasn't laying in his own puddle of blood. The bullets I emptied into the back of the monster were silver; fatal to any shapeshifter.

"H-how-" I began as I backed up while keeping my gun raised nonetheless. The shifter smirked and advanced towards me at a leisurely pace.

"Let's not talk about me. I'm here to talk about you, or at least, what Dean thinks of you."


"Oh yeah," the shifter said knowingly. "Let's start with the fact that ah, Dean here," the shapeshifter tapped his chest, "thinks of you as just another brat he has to look out for."

I glanced over at Sam while the shifter talked. He was deathly pale, and I couldn't tell if he was breathing. Already, bruises could be seen forming around his neck.

Please God, don't let Sam be dead. I pleaded internally.

As much as I wanted to run to his side, I knew the only thing I was capable of doing at the moment was keeping the shifter distracted long enough for me to come up with a plan of attack.

"Yeah right," I said, "Dean knows I can take care of myself, just as much as he knows that of Sam. He feels compelled to be the protective one; that's just who he is."

The shifter chuckled, "You're right, obligation is a big part of it. But not obligation to you or your brother,"
Shifter-Dean taunted. A smug smile spread across his face that seemed familiar enough, but seemed just off enough to give me slight goose bumps. His next words were spoken as if he had been waiting all night to say them.

"Did I -he- ever tell you what he would do if he had the choice to go back in time to the deal with Death and bring back either Adam or Sam? He wouldn't even consider it; it would be Sam every time. Just like that. So you see: Dean has absolutely no obligations except to his beloved 'Beautiful Mind' brother. He couldn't care less about you or Adam."

I scoffed in disbelief. This shifter was clueless. Maybe if Dean, Sam, and I didn't have that little heart-to-heart about their guilt over Adam's fate in the motel room, I might have been more susceptible to the accusations that were spilling out of his mouth. But I knew now where my half-brothers and I stood, and it wasn't underneath the feet of this manipulative monster. I was about to respond with the fact that I knew Dean would choose Sam every time, but my train of thought was broken by movement by the door.

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