5. Spare Time & Flashbacks

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Sam slid into the shotgun seat of the Impala while I climbed in the back. The car smelled exactly how I remembered it: leather and beer. I was sorry to leave behind Linus but no matter how much I defended him to the other hunters who judged my truck, I knew he was on his last stretch and I doubted he would make it to wherever we were going. Not to mention I would have to deal with finding gas to fill him up.

"We should be getting to Birchville within the next two hours so I would make myself comfortable." Dean said to me as he backed out of the parking space.


I put my feet up on the seat so that I was sitting cross-legged. Dean looked at me through the rearview mirror with a glint of annoyance in his green eyes that I realized we shared.

"I said you should get comfortable, not get dirt all over the seat. If you're gonna sit like that, take off your shoes first." He grumbled.


I gave an apologetic smile as I took off my dirty sneakers and placed them on my duffel bag that sat between the seats. It was in that moment that I realized Dean and I shared the same affinity for old cars.

We were all quiet as Dean got us on the highway, listening to "Behind Blue Eyes" by The Who. It made me somewhat happy that my father's music tastes seemed to be passed to his sons. As the melody continued on, I let my eyes roam around the interior of the car. Everything was the same as it was from all the times me and Adam rode around in the Impala when John used to visit us; minus a few extra bumps and scratches that were no doubt due to the boys taking her out on many hunts after his death.

Then something caught my eye on the rear window deck of the car that made me smile sadly. Something that had been the subject of many games Adam and I used to play when on our way to baseball games with John.

"So whose plan was it to scratch their initials into the back of the car? I'm sure Dad wasn't happy about that."
I said, staring at the carved letters.

"Guilty." Said Sam, and I looked at him in surprise.

"Wow really? I thought it would be Dean's idea, him being the older one and all."

"How do you know I'm the older one?" Dean griped.

"I can just tell."

I've always been an observant person and the way they interacted with each other made it pretty obvious who the eldest was.

Dean and Sam both squinted their eyes at me, but Dean answered my previous question without missing a beat,
"Nope, it was all Sammy's idea, I just joined in on it after he didn't listen to me. It was his first attempt at rebellion against our dad actually...and then he went and blamed it on me." He briefly turned to Sam and said jokingly, "You always were a pain in the ass as a kid. You still are, but not as much."

Sam scoffed in disbelief, "Yeah right, you were the one who took the fall for me when Dad started raging about it. Don't act like I threw you under the bus."

"Yeah, whatever. All I know is that my ears were ringing for the better part of two days when he finished his rant."

"Huh," I muttered, it was odd to finally figure out the mystery behind the markings, "You know it's funny, me and Adam used to try and guess what S.W. and D.W. stood for when Dad used to visit and we would ride with him. We made it into a type of game. He never told us what it meant, he never even mentioned he had other children."

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