13. Detour to Deception

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In my opinion, Garth could have picked a better place to hole up; the house that we pulled up next to was clearly abandoned. It was a two story home with a wrap around porch that made it look a whole lot bigger than it actually was.

Not only was it run down, but it resembled the stereotypical house in a horror movie. About half of the windows were broken and weeds grew through the crevices of the front steps that led to the ripped screen door. The roof was falling in and the dead spindly trees on either side of the yard added to the ominous effect the house had on the rest of the street. There weren't many residences nearby, which we were thankful for. We looked like a bunch of criminals on the run sneaking into the house with the myriad of weapons we were carrying. We brought everything we thought could be useful, considering how powerful Garth had said the shifter was.

As we approached the front steps, I couldn't stop the yawn that crawled up my throat.

Once I recovered, I saw him in the corner of my vision. I stopped in my tracks and was immediately on high alert. I turned my head quickly in his direction, but the devil had disappeared. I must have stared rigidly the same spot longer than necessary because Marie looked at me curiously.

"Sam, you okay?" She asked.

I nodded, maybe a little too vigorously, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thought I saw something. But it's nothing." I turned and gave her a fake smile before resuming my walk to catch up with Dean. Even as the three of us reached the front door, Adam's words came back to me:

How's those hallucinations working out for you Sam? ...I can tell you right now they are about to get a whole lot worse.

Ever since our encounter with Adam, I have been constantly on edge; waiting for the moment my entire reality went guano and left me to be a danger to myself and others. So far nothing out of the ordinary regarding my mental state has happened; just a few glimpses of Lucifer like the one I had a second ago. You knew your life is seriously jacked up when you say seeing the devil is ordinary.

When the three of us reached the front door, we didn't bother to knock. Instead, with Dean in the lead, we crept single file through the doorway with our guns lowered but still in a ready position in the event we ran into something. Though we tried our best to stay quiet, the floor boards creaked and groaned under our feet as if we were going to fall through at any moment.

In the light of this, it really shouldn't have come to a surprise when Garth sped around the corner and whacked Dean in the face with a broom stick. Dean stumbled back against me cursing in pain while Marie and I raised our guns at Garth. He immediately lifted his hands in surrender and began apologizing profusely.

"Dude, I am so sorry! I thought you were the shifter-" Garth began hurriedly before being cut off by Dean.

"What the hell, man! Look before you start swinging around a weapon!" Dean bellowed, clutching his nose that had begun to bleed down his mouth and onto his jacket. He squinted at the object Garth still had in his hands, "Wait...is that a broom? Did you just attack me with a friggin' broom?" Dean growled in heated exasperation. He began advancing towards Garth who backed away slowly as if confronted by an angry bear.

Before my brother could start throwing punches, I stepped beside him and stuck my arm out against his chest. Garth already looked beaten up enough as it was. His arm was stuck in a makeshift sling and he leaned gravely to his right side, taking the weight off his left leg. He sported a massive bruise on his cheek bone and his bottom lip was swollen twice its normal size. 

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