6. Chivalry & Retribution

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That was the story I told them, well, a shortened version of it anyway. I still remember that night as clear as day. After all it was the night my life changed forever.

"So you blackmailed our father in order to get him to tell you about the supernatural? That's cold Marie," Dean commented once I had finished my story.

We were still in the Impala, going sixty-five down the highway and we had around forty-five minutes left until we reached our destination.

"Hey, I was a bratty teenager back in the day and don't act like you haven't blackmailed anyone before. You have been hunting your whole life haven't you?"

"She's right Dean, blackmail or using some kind of leverage against monsters is pretty pare for the course," Sam contributed.

"Yeah against monsters maybe, not against your own blood," Dean protested.

"Look, the important thing is that I kept my promise, I never told Adam about what happened that night. But now that I think about it, maybe if I did he might have been somewhat prepared when the ghouls came knocking."

There was an awkward silence after I spoke as if they were holding out on telling me something. Dean glanced at Sam for a slightly prolonged moment which kind of made me nervous because he was the one driving. I noticed he tended to do that, take his eyes off the road and glance at Sam or look in the rearview mirror at me. You'd think that a man like Dean who loved his car so much wouldn't have the tendency to let his eyes wander. I guess that proves where his true priorities lie.

"Is there something else I should know about that involves what happened to my family?" I asked, getting my mind back on topic.

Sam looked slightly uncomfortable and Dean actually kept his eyes on the road for once.

"You're really gonna pretend like I'm not asking you guys a question?"

Still, they acted as if I had all but vanished off the face of the earth.

"Fine. Whatever, don't tell me anything. Just know that I'm not gonna forget and I'll just keep asking you."

I stared at the back of their heads until I finally sighed in defeat, knowing I wasn't going to get any information out of them at the moment.

"Wake me when we get there alright?" I said, yawning. "It feels like I haven't slept in days."

"I agree with you there," Sam said knowingly, before he could stop himself. He looked regretful of what he just confessed. I wondered if this had anything to do with what happened to him earlier at the park. I looked at him questioningly, curious to see if he would explain himself. He didn't, so I let it go.

I pulled my bag of clothes and other necessities up close to me so that I could use it as a pillow. I got as comfortable as I could on the hard leather seat before I removed my glasses and slipped them into their case. I then closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Emphasis on the word tried. I couldn't even get past the first layer of unconsciousness, let alone get the perfect cat nap that I wanted. My mind kept on wanting to stray towards memories I had of my family and my horrid experiences in Florida. Not to mention my half brothers were talking again, probably thinking I was sound asleep.

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