Neighbors pt. 2

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Charles and Erik have been friends for months now. They've grown a lot closer as time went on. All they ever do is spend time with each other. If you ask them why, they'll just say because they're the best of friends. Charles comes over every night with a pie and they love every minute of it. They made it an everyday tradition to do that, but one night, it didn't start off how they planned it.

Erik had just gotten back from his new job at the coffee shop in town. Erik, in short, had a very bad day at work and he was in no mood to see anyone. Everyone that came in seemed to only care about themselves and was just a complete asshole to him. All he wanted to do was go home and see Charles. Charles noticed his mood when he watched him walk from his car.

He decided to do what any good neighbor and friend would do. He's going to bake Erik the best pie he's ever going to have. So he spent about three hours baking the perfect pie while Erik was inside his apartment, pissed off at everyone. He was finally done putting the finishing touches on the pie, he just wanted it to be perfect for Erik. He hands were shaking as he tied his shoelaces, he really hoped that Erik liked it.

He picked up the pie and was on his way to Erik's, he only made it two steps before he tripped on his shoelace and plummeted to the floor. As he fell, the pie slipped out of his hands and smashed on the floor. His knee was bleeding and his cheek was very sore, he most likely will have a bruise tomorrow. He tried to get up but his knee was killing him, he could barely move.

Meanwhile, Erik was inside when he heard something crash outside his door and a loud cry. He immediately got up and opened his door to see Charles on the floor, his knee bleeding, a faint bruise grazing his left cheek, and a pie smashed into the floor. Erik's mode changed immediately seeing the sweet man bleeding and crying on the ground.

"Oh my god Charles! Are you okay?" Erik asked worriedly as he bent down next to the small man.

"Oh Erik, I'm so sorry! I tried to make the perfect pie for you because I noticed you had a bad day at work and then I go and drop it on the floor. I tired to save it but my knee is killing me and my cheek really hurts and I'm so sorry." Charles cried, "I just wanted to make you feel better." Charles whispered, a few tears spilling.

"Hey," Erik said softly, leaning down towards Charles and gently rubbing away his tears, "it's fine, Charles. All I care about is you being okay."

"But, I just wanted to make you happy after your day at work." Charles said, looking up at Erik. Erik swear he thought his chest was going to explode.

"I know, thank you, that's very sweet. But all I care about now is helping you so c'mon, let's go get you cleaned up." Erik said, placing one arm under Charles' knees and the other around his waist.

He set Charles down on the bathroom counter as he looked for the first aid kit. He got a wash cloth and dampened it under some warm water.

"I ripped my trousers." Charles whimpered sadly, looking down at the rip at his knee. Those were his favorite jeans and now they're ruined. Erik just smiled sadly and bent down to clean his knee.

"This might sting a little, okay?"
Erik said and Charles nodded, bracing himself. As soon as the rag touched his cut, Charles flinched back in pain. Erik just kept whispering encouragements to Charles, and Charles just smiled and tried not to cry from the small sting in his knee. As soon as he was done cleaning his knee, he put some ointment and a bandaid on his knee.

"Does your knee feel better now?" Erik's asked as he helped Charles get down from the counter.

"Yes, it does. Thank you, Erik," Charles said, smiling up at Erik. "And I'm very sorry about the pie. I'll go clean it up if you want me to."

"No, you need to sit down and stop worrying about it. I'll clean it up, okay?" Erik said, helping Charles to the couch.

Charles sat down waiting for Erik to return. When Erik returned, he sat down next to Charles, who opened his mouth to say something but Erik interrupted him.

"Do not apologize anymore, Charles. It's okay, all I care about is your safety. Even though I love your pies, I'm okay without it just this once." Erik laughed, looking Charles in the eyes. God, Erik thought, he gets even more beautiful by the second.

Charles laughed at Erik's attempt at a joke. As soon as his laughing fit died down, he looked at Erik with a small smile on his face. He stared at Erik for a moment before realizing it was now or never. He needed to let Erik know how he felt about him.

Charles slowly put his hands on Erik's cheeks and leaned in. Erik wrapped his arms around Charles' waist and brought him closer. Erik leaned down and closed the gap between them. Erik moved Charles closer, but when Charles gasped in pain he immediately pulled back to see what happened.

"What's wrong?" Erik asked worriedly.

"Nothing, it's just my knee. It pressed against your leg, but it's fine now." Charles giggled. He loved that Erik was so worried about him.

"I'm sorry," Erik sighed, he leaned his head down and rested his forehead and Charles'. "God, you don't know how much I've fallen in love with you, liebling."

Charles was, to say the least, shocked, he never thought that Erik would love him back.

"I love you, too, darling." Charles replied, breathlessly.

Nothing was said after that. They just smiled and held each other and that's all that matters.

Okay I don't think I'm going to be writing anymore drarry oneshots because I'm just in a really big cherik mood. Like I've literally read all of the cherik fanfics/oneshots on here, so there needs to be more. Sorry if that disappoints you.
But thank you so much for reading!
Bye bye!

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