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Charles was in the study, sitting in his favorite chair and reading. He had been reading all day and he was starting to very sleepy. He stood up and stretched, his arms and legs popping from how he had been sitting. He made his way over to the book shelf to put the book up. As he put it down, he heard the doorbell ring and Erik opening the door.

"Hey Charles, I'm heading out for a little while. Will you be okay on your own?" Erik asked, a slight hint of worry in his voice. He didn't like leaving Charles alone but he wanted to go out.

"I think I'll manage," Charles laughed, "just go have fun, I'll be alright." Charles smiled before following Erik to the door.

"Alright, just call if you need anything, bye Charles." Erik said before walking out the door.

"Have a good night!" Charles called after him. Erik just turned around and waved before getting into his friend's car.

Charles sighed as he walked back inside. He always hated it when Erik left, he always felt lonely.

He went back into the study and sat back down on his seat. He stared out the window and just started thinking about everything, specifically Erik. How good he liked in his leather jacket, how wonderful he smelt, how amazing he felt when Erik smiled at him. Just everything about him.

Charles decided to stop thinking about it for right now. Because if he continued, he would be there for days. It's was about ten in the evening and he had to get to bed. He slowly made his way up to his room.

He had been sleeping for about four hours when he was awoken by his phone ringing. He raised up and answered his phone, half asleep.

"Hello?" Charles said groggily, he had no idea who would be calling him at this hour. 

"H-Hey ch-arles! I just ca-alled to t-tell you-ou that-t I lo-ove c-chess an-d th-there's no-othing you-u can do ab-about it." Erik slurred loudly into the phone, seemingly very drunk. Charles just sighed, he knew this would happen.

"Erik, you're very drunk. I need you to tell me where you are, okay?" Charles said, as he got up to get his clothes on.

"I-I thi-ink I'm at... Ex-xcuse me, do-o y-you know where we a-are?" Charles giggled at Erik, "I'm at th-the club-b on 8th a-av-enue." (Idk I just came up with something.)

Charles just sighed, that was about an hour away.

"Alright, stay exactly where you are, I'll be there soon, okay?" Charles told Erik as he got into his car.

-time skip 'cause I can-

Charles arrived at the club about an hour. He saw Erik sitting at a bench in front of the club, talking to a pigeon. Charles just laughed and got out of the car.

"Oh, hey ch-arles, I wa-as just ta-alking Ben-edict about wh-ich ce-ereal is bet-ter. I l-like lu-cky char-ms but he l-ikes fr-fruit loops." Erik explained, looking up at Charles.

"Well, that's very interesting, but say goodbye to Benedict." Charles laughed.

"Bye Ben-edict," Erik said reaching to grab the bird but it flew off before he could, "damn it." He whispered under his breath while Charles giggled.

Charles reached down and put an arm around his middle. Erik immediately wrapped both arms around Charles so, he was basically leaning all his weight on Charles.

"Erik, I-I need you to st-stand up please, I ca-can't breathe." Charles said and Erik loosened his grip but still leaned on Charles.

Charles set off towards the car, but it took a while as Charles could barely move under Erik's weight. As soon as they got to the car, Charles helped Erik sit down and buckled him in.

"Thanks Charles, I really appreciate it." Erik said as he smiled up at Charles, he breath reeking of alcohol. Charles wrinkled up his nose in disgust.

"It's no problem, Erik. Just don't talk for right now, you're breath reeks of alcohol." Charles laughed at Erik's offended face.

"H-hey! Th-at's not my f-fault." Erik defended himself. Charles just smiled and nodded.

"I know, I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you." Charles said as he sat off towards the mansion.

They drove in silence for a while, Erik just staring out the window at everything and muttering under his breath about Benedict and how he has no taste in cereal flavors.

All of a sudden he went silent and looked over at Charles. Just watching him, not in a creepy way though, in a fond way. Charles looked over at Erik with a confused expression.

"What?" Charles asked confused.

"No-othing I ju-just lo-ve you." Erik said leaning his head on the side of his seat and smiling at Charles. Charles froze for a few moments before realizing that Erik was drunk and didn't know what he was saying.

"You're drunk Erik, you don't know what you're saying, just try to go to sleep for a little bit." Charles said, keeping his gaze set on the road.

"No I rea-lly lo-ove you." Erik said, half asleep. Charles just sighed and kept his gaze on the road.

"Erik, you won't remember this in the morning." Charles whispered. He was a little nervous about if Erik was serious or not. It has been proven that when people are drunk, they voice the things they're too scared to say when they're sober. I guess he'll find out in the morning.

-time skip to next morning-

Erik had woken up with a terrible headache. He looked around his room confused as to how he got there. He looked to his bedside table and found a glass of water and some Advil, Charles had put that there early. Erik just smiled at his kindness and took the pills.

He walked down to the kitchen and found Charles sitting at the table drinking tea. Charles looked up and saw Erik entering. Erik sat down next to Charles and put his head in his hands.

"How are you feeling?" Charles asked, staring lovingly at Erik.

"Like shit," Erik chuckled looking fun up at Charles, "I didn't say or do anything too bad did I?" Erik asked worriedly. He hoped he didn't say anything too embarrassing.

"Well, if you don't include you talking to a pigeon named Benedict about which cereal flavor is better, then nothing too bad." Charles said blushing little. He didn't know if he should tell Erik what he said.

"Oh my god, was that all?" Erik asked and he had a feeling it wasn't, based on the apprehensive look on Charles' face.

"Well...you did say something, but it's...it's not of importance." Charles said avoiding Erik's gaze and putting his cup in the sink.

"No, Charles, you have to tell me now. I need to know everything I did so I can see what the damage is." Erik said, getting up and standing next to Charles.

"Well...you don't remember?" Charles asked hopefully. He didn't want to have to say this, afraid that Erik was being serious.

"No, I don't, that's why I'm asking you." Erik chuckled a little, a slight nervous undertone in his voice.

"Okay, well...you might've...said that you're...sort of in love with me." Charles said, still avoiding Erik's eyes. He didn't have the courage to look at him.

"Shit," Erik whispered under his breath, "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable or if I ruined our friendship I just-" Erik was interrupted by Charles

"Were you being serious? Do...do you actually love me?" Charles asked in such a soft voice that Erik almost didn't hear him.

"Well...yes," Erik sighed, "I'm completely and utterly in love with you, I adore you." Erik said looking into Charles' eyes.

"R-really?" Charles asked, moving closer to Erik and putting his hands on his arms. Erik just smiled and placed his hands on Charles hips, pulling him closer.

"More than you'll ever know, love." Erik whispered as he closed the space between theirs lips.

Holy shit I'm sorry it took so long to update. I've just been really caught up with school and everything. I'll try to update soon.
Thank you so much for reading, commenting, and voting!
Bye bye!

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