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A/N: This prompt was given to me by athiva If any of you have any prompts you want me to do, just message me. Enjoy!


It was three am and Erik was still awake. He couldn't get comfortable, he was starting to get sweaty, and Peter was playing his video games at the highest volume with the occasional shout. He was annoyed and confused, he's never had any trouble going to sleep before. He usually goes to sleep around 10 and wakes up 6, and it's been that way ever since he was a child. So why is having trouble all of a sudden? Two words: Charles Xavier.

He never stopped running through Erik's mind. He was always subconsciously thinking about him. Everything reminded Erik of him and he didn't know what to do.

He's tried for weeks to make his feelings for Charles clear but he just doesn't understand. He decided about two months ago that he's sick of keeping his true feelings inside. He knew he liked Charles and he thought Charles reciprocated, but every time he says something flirty, he ends up taking it as a friendly comment or something. It's extremely aggravating!

Like yesterday, Charles came down wearing a new sweater. Granted, it looked like he took it straight off his grandfather, but he made it work like nobody else! As soon as he entered the dining room, Scott immediately started bursting with laughter, causing Raven and Peter to look up and start snickering, Hank and Jean looked up as well but didn't really care.

"Good morning, Grandpa," Raven spoke, smirking at Charles, who just rolled his eyes and poke his tongue out at her.

"Good morning to you, Smurf." Charles retorted. Raven's smile immediately dropped and rolled her eyes at Jean who was now pointing and laughing at her.

"I think you look great." Erik winked as Charles sat next to him. Charles just smiled and pushed his shoulder playfully. Erik swear he saw a little red tint on Charles' cheeks, but it could've been because he just woke up or something.

"I know." and that was the end of that. Their day went on normally, but Erik was really confused. Was he not blunt enough? He thought he was, so what was he to do? He was too anxious to admit his feeling flat out, but he was tired all of this flirting and obliviousness to said flirting! He knew he should tell him, but he wasn't ready.


He woke up the next day at 10 am feeling like death. He pulled himself out of bed, all of his joints popping loudly. As he walked to the kitchen, he noticed that mansion was oddly quiet at 10. It was early in the morning, but everyone's usually up by now, talking in the sitting room or outside messing in the gardens. He looked outside and saw no one, he continued on his path to the kitchen in a state of confusion.

"Well, look who finally woke up," Charles joked as he entered the dining room, "I didn't think you'd ever wake up. I came in there around 6:30, but you looked so tired, I gave you more time."

"Thank you. I don't why but I couldn't get to sleep last night," Erik said, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"I figured, you're usually up by now and on your 500th cup of tea," Charles joked as he stood up, "speaking of..." he trailed off as he disappeared into the kitchen, only to emerge with a steaming cup of tea.

"Oh, thank you," Erik said dumb founded and Charles just smiled. He had to stop himself from moaning, this was probably the best tea he's had in a long time. "Ah, what would i do without you, liebling?" Erik froze after he let the word slip, but Charles didn't seen to notice, which he was thankful for.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2019 ⏰

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