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Warning: this one shot contains smut so if you don't like that, don't read. Read if you want to, I don't give a shit.

All Erik seemed to think about was Charles. He couldn't stop thinking about the adorable telepath. He tried to stop the thoughts in his head every time Charles was around, but he couldn't help it, he loved him too much. He didn't know if Charles could see what he was thinking about not, but he never said anything about it, so Erik didn't either.

Charles knew that Erik thought about him, every time he looked into Erik's thoughts, he always saw himself cuddling Erik, or sometimes he would see himself and Erik doing...things. He never asked about it though, he was too nervous. Especially because of the things he's seen Erik dreaming of doing to him.

But Erik wasn't the only one who had thoughts like that, for Charles too thought about it frequently. He would always think about the German man. He wished Erik would just tell him or hint that he felt the same way, but he never did.

Charles was in the garden, watching the birds in peace. It was mid-afternoon and he was enjoying some well deserved fresh air. He had been inside all day, working on things around the mansion. Finally, he decided to go outside and enjoy nature.

He was sitting on the wooden swing at the far edge of the garden, watching the hummingbirds, when he decided to see what Erik was thinking about. He placed his pointer and middle fingers to his temple and closed his eyes. He immediately became very flustered but what he saw, which was him and Erik doing...naughty things.

He tried to ignore the thoughts and watch clouds, but the thoughts were too strong. Charles finally gave in and watched, the look of immense pleasure on Erik's face, how his perfectly sculpted torso glistened lightly with sweat. Deep, throaty moans escaping every now and then, his jagged breaths as he continued to thrust into Charles.

Charles was starting to get a bit more flustered, a few whimpers escaping his throat as he continued to watch. He started to get aroused and whispered Erik's name under his breath. He needed to find Erik

He abruptly stood up, the feeling of need was too much for him and he had to find Erik before he exploded. He ran back inside, in search of the source of these thoughts. He searched around the mansion in annoyance, he needs to find Erik.

He finally found Erik in the study and looked up as soon as he heard Charles footsteps. As soon as he saw Charles face, he knew he saw and stood up and started to apologize.

"I-I'm sorry Charles, I didn't mean for you-" but he was interrupted by Charles, who's voice was dripping with lust and need, and Erik knew what he meant as soon as he spoke.

"Erik..." Charles whispered, that's the most he could muster at the moment. Erik immediately walked up to him and bent down and kissed him.

Charles wrapped his arms around his neck and played with the hair at the bottom of his neck, slightly pulling it, earning a deep moan from his throat. Erik ran his hands down Charles side and under his butt, lifting him up and Charles wrapping his legs around Erik's waist.

Erik walked out of the study and into his bedroom. He kicked the door closed and laid Charles down on the bed. He started to kiss his neck, trying to find his sweet spot, he knew he had found it when Charles let out a small moan. Erik thought that was the most beautiful thing he's ever heard.

He started sucking and nipping the sensitive skin on his neck. Erik's was getting harder by the second because of Charles' beautiful moans and whimpers.

"E-Erik...please..." Charles whispered, wrapping his arms around Erik's neck. He needed Erik and he needed him now and the clothes were getting in the way. Erik understood what he meant immediately and started to take off his shirt. Charles watched him, feeling breathless when Erik took his shirt off. Charles reached out and traced his hands down his chest, earning a deep moan from Erik.

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