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While the Marigold symbolizes despair and grief over the loss of love, it also promotes cheer and good relations in a relationship.


It's a common misconseption that not everybody has a weakness. Everyone has one, deep within them. Whether they admit it or not, there will always be something that completely breaks them from the inside.

For Charles Xavier, his weakness happens to be Marigolds. It's a very unusual weakness; to be scared of a flower.

He just can't look at the flower without bursting into tears. It brings back painful memories. The smell, the color, how it feels. Everything about the flower holds painful memories.

Even though the flower holds painful memories, they're are oddly calming. They're some of the only memories he has of his mother and father.

As a small child, he would often take walks with his mother and father, Sharon and Brian, when his father had a day off work. It was very rare, but Charles would always look forward to them. They were the best memories of his childhood.

They would always stop in the field in the woods behind their house. Sharon would sit and watch while Charles and Brian would go play and collect Marigold's for her, as they were her favorite flower. She would always give Charles one, just so he could feel how special they were as well. She always said that you give flowers to the people you love most, so they know how special they are to you. Charles never received a flower after his father died, nor had he given one to somebody special.

But when his father died, everything stopped. His mother showed no emotion after that, never gave her child the love he so desperately wanted. She drove herself into a major depression and alcoholism. She became a shell of a women and a mother. She neglected everyone around her.

She eventually, and unfortunately, married Kurt Marko. If she didn't, they would've been forced to live on the streets. Kurt, Brian's best friend and his colleague, was also there the night of his death. Kurt was a terrible man who only married her for Brian's money.

So, needless to say, Charles did not have a happy childhood from this point on. He was depressed. His father's death, emotional and physical abuse from Kurt and his son Cain, the neglect from his mother; all of it was too much for him.

And that was when he met Raven. Raven helped him through so many things and took up for him when no one else did. She was there for him whenever he was feeling especially down, and vice versa. They were a good team, they loved and cared for each other. She was the sister and friend he never had before then, and he couldn't have been more grateful.

His mother eventually passed away, and he was sad, of course he was; she was still his mother despite everything. He was sad because he could never get back the happy women he knew so long ago. She was gone for good, and Charles was stuck with Kurt and Cain. There was nothing he could do until he was old enough to move out.

When Charles finally turned 18, Raven and Charles got out of that dreadful place as fast as they could. They never looked back, and even though they both did feel a little guilty for leaving their home in the disgusting hands of Kurt, they didn't dwell on the feeling too long. That house was never kind to them and neither were the people.

Fast forward a few years and Charles is a genetics professor, runs his own school for gifted children, and has friends that love and care for him. Charles and Raven couldn't have been more happy. They are the happiest they've ever been in their lives. They finally have a family; something that they've always wanted and needed.


It was a normal day at the mansion, everyone was out at the lake, swimming and playing. Charles was out with them, unsurprisingly, reading under a tree. He was having the time of his life with the people he loved the most in the world. He wouldn't ask for anything else, this is the best he's ever felt in his life.

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