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Charles always had a deep passion for classical music. He never knew why, he just always loved it. His favorite instrument to pay was the piano. He was never away from it, he was always playing.

He loved the gentle vibrations he felt as he played. He loved how at ease he felt when he was playing. He loved how the jets felt under his fingers.

He wasn't the only one who loved to play though, Erik was also classically trained in piano as well. His mother made him take lessons as a child, she said it made him look sophisticated. Erik never told anyone he could play though, only his family knew. He never told anyone because he thought it was embarrassing. He was made fun of as a child for it so he never told anyone.

He always loved watching Charles play, he loved the look of pure serenity overtake the small mans face. He always wanted to join him, but he never did, he was too nervous. So he just sat back and listened to Charles play beautifully, wishing that he could join in.

He was home alone one day whilst Charles was at the store. Erik aw it as the perfect opportunity to play while he wouldn't be heard. He walked into the music room and closed the door halfway. He stared at the piano for a minute, contemplating whether he should or not, before finally sitting down on the bench. He placed his fingers down on the keys and was hesitant at first, it had been about with years since he last played, so he was a little nervous.

As soon as he pressed the keys down, he felt as if the weight of the world was lifted from his shoulders. He forgot how good it felt to play, he just smiled and closed his eyes. He let his hand take control and he felt as if he were on cloud nine, but he then somebody sit next to him and start playing as well. He opened his eyes to see Charles smiling up at him, never taking his hands off the keys. Erik just smiled back and continued playing, but on the inside he was freaking out.

As soon as the song ended, Charle smiled up at Erik and smiled.

"I didn't know you could play so beautifully, Erik." Charles said, staring wondrously at Erik.

"Well, that's because I never told anyone, Charles." Erik said, smiling at Charles' adorable face.

"Why didn't you tell me? You play so beautifully." Charles asked

"As a child, the other children poked fun at me for it, and that made me not want to show people how much I loved it." Erik shrugged, he really did miss playing.

"Well, you could've told me. You know I would never do anything mean to you." Charles said, placing his hand on Erik's bicep.

"I know Charles, but now that you know, could we play another song?" Erik asked, station hopefully at Charles.

"Of course. I was waiting for you to ask!" Charles laughed and placed his fingers on the keys.

They just spent the rest of the day paying piano.

I'm sorry, this one is really bad.
I had really bad writers block and this was just a last minute idea.
I promise they'll be better but I just don't have any ideas
Thank you for reading!
Bye bye!

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