
366 8 2

Impurity is the response to Entry #12.
Its description is "000000000".
The audio seems to be the sound of rain, which could be another connection to water and potentially a biblical reference with the ark (exactly what ToTheArk is looking for) saving them from the flood.
During the video at some point flashes a sort of S or a ς (the Greek letter sigma), which it's unclear what could mean. Near the end, in the plants there is written "operator". At the end appeared the letters "THEREWASMORE". Since in Entry #12 Alex made an encounter with the Operator and we know that he made another encounter with it in Entry #13 and Entry #14, "MORE" could be referring to Alex's encounter with the Operator.
Counting the zeros leads to the number set "26 5 18 15", which in decimal decode to "z e r o".
Also, playing the audio will result the same music from Regards.

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