Chapter 2: a Great Evening

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The big night is come. Mathias and Emily is preparing, for the KISS concert.

Emily received good news, his friend, Brayden, has finally able to finish the important things he had to do, and will go to the concert. He had to buy a place in advance.

Emily fact the makeup of Gene Simmons on his face and puts the wig on his head, then looks in the mirror to see if it is good.

Brayden fact the makeup of Paul Stanley, he is in front of the mirror, at home, and finishes to paint the star on his face.

In any case, all three have out their t-shirts of KISS. Mathias closes the hotel room with his key, and down in the lobby, in taking the elevator.

Emily found Brayden on stopping the nearest bus and are get on the bus that took them to Toronto.

The night was already beginning to fall on the city. In the lodges, the group prepares . Paul turns to the others.

(Paul):"Tonight, we're setting all our energy. That the people do not forget this evening."

(Gene):"Yeah, we do as usual."

Emily and Brayden arrive at the Molson Amphitheatre. Hundreds of people began to arrive from all the sides. This is really the crowd.

(Brayden):" I hope we will be well placed."

(Emily):"Come, if we want to have good seats, we have to go now. "

Fans give their tickets at the entrance and enter the Amphitheatre. In the vast crowd, Emily sees Mathias a little further, that takes his ticket out of his pocket. He did not see her. She speaks at Brayden.

(Emily):" Look, he's there, the man I saw yesterday. "

(Brayden):" You see, he's came. "

Shortly after, Emily and Brayden found their seats. With luck, they were able to find front row seats. They did not think it happen.

Now they expect the concert begins. Then Mathias arrives and sits also at the first seat, and coincidentally, it is next to Emily and Brayden. Mathias sees her and recognizes her.

(Mathias): "Hey, I recognize you, I saw you yesterday in the street."

(Emily): "I too have recognized you, you're not from around here?"

(Mathias): "No, I come from France, but I decided to leave, to see the world. I introduce myself, my name is Mathias."

(Emily): "My name is Emily, nice to meet you, and here's one of my friends, Brayden."

(Brayden): "Hi Mathias and welcome to Canada."

(Mathias): "Thank you."

All three talk to each other and have eventually sympathized. They find common ground and discover common tastes.

Was it a coincidence that they meet themselves? Maybe, or maybe not.

When the stadium is filled with screaming fans, the lights go out suddenly. Fans react immediately and starts to screaming. Emily, Brayden and Mathias, do the same.

Then Paul Stanley's voice is heard in the darkness.

(Paul): "Toronto, are you ready?"

The public screams loudly.

(Paul): "I can not hear you, i said: ARE YOU READY?"

The audience shouted even louder.

(Paul): "Now, it's time.... for KISS!"

And the lights come on and the band appeared on the stage, in their outfits. The fans are more in delirium. Eric Singer sits behind the battery, on a platform, and takes his chopsticks.

Gene Simmons and Tommy Thayer approach to their micros, with their instruments in hand.

Paul made ​​the statement. One, two, three, four....

And the group begins with the first song of the concert: Shout it out loud.

Paul, Gene, Tommy and Eric begin to play their instruments. The music resonates throughout the amphitheater.

Emily, Brayden and Mathias are right before the group, a few meters. Then Paul at approach his mouth of the microphone.

(KISS): "Well, the night's Begun and you want some fun

Do you think you're gonna find it (think you're gonna find it)

You got to treat yourself like number one

Do you need to be Reminded (need to be Reminded)

It does not matter what you do or say

Just forget the things that you've been told.... "

The fans are screaming and cheering, some sing with the group. Emily continues to applaud and shout, with Mathias and Brayden.

KISS begins to sing the chorus of the song:

"Shout it, shout it, shout it out loud

Shout it, shout it, shout it out loud ..."

Then, after this song, they start another song: Devil is me. This time, Gene Simmons begins to sing.

(Gene): "I ran from temptation

I Prayed for salvation


I screamed out

God save me from my own damnation... "

Then, just when start the chorus of the song, all the fans start to sing too.

"The devil is ME!

The devil is ME! "

While he sings, Gene looks at the first row, and sees Emily, who screams and applauds. He looked her with a smile, while continuing to sing. In total, the group made ​​a dozen songs, in ending with Hell or Hallelujah. Throughout the songs, Have fireworks exploded in the stadium, to make even more noise. This concert HAS Become truly memorable.

After the concert, the band salutes the fans. All fans get up to yell and cheer louder. Emily Mathias and Brayden are more than excited about this concert.

(Paul): "Thanks to all, you are great Toronto, Good night, to the next time.".

Then the lights went out and slowly the band left the stage after a final fireworks.

Gradually, the amphitheater begins to empty. People are really happy with this concert. The trio is still in the stage, and prepares to leave.

(Mathias): "I'm going back to my hotel, I think I'll sleep well tonight."

(Emily): "If you pass again in the area, come see us."

(Brayden): "In any case, we have really spend a memorable evening, but unfortunately, these moments pass too quickly."

Then, when they will leave, the vigils come to see them.

(Vigil): "Hey, you three, come with us."

They do not understand what is happening. The vigils takes them in the lodges, behind the scenes. The trio can not believe his eyes. But why them?

Then one of the vigils opened a door and that the trio, saw, stupefied them: the group KISS, sitting on chairs and drinks water to cool. They still have their outfits and makeup.

(Vigil): "They are the ones that you want to see?"

(Gene): "Yes, thank you, hi the youngs, do not be intimidated."

The trio enters in the room, a little hesitant, but they can not believe it. Emily felt like a dream. The group encourages young people to sit with them on the chairs. The guards leave and close the door behind them. The trio does not know what to expect, but they are with KISS, one of the world's most popular rock bands.


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