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When I wake up all I an remember was some dream about a ghost name Melissa or something like that. I yawn and stumble over to the light. As soon as I flip it on, I trip over my cat.
"Go away jack. Go feed yourself!" I grumble and push him away. Once I'm dressed for the day, I grab my car keys and lock the door. I check my phone. Shit. I was late for Allegra's birthday. I turn on the engine and press dial on my phone. It rings and he picks up.
"Hey babe. How was the game last night? I'm sorry I couldn't make it but you know, sports aren't my thing." I hear a cough and I smile.
"It's alright. I watched it with my buddies." I look behind me and back out of the drive way. Slowly I turn out and drive away.
"How was your sleep, snowflake?" I blush.
"Weird. I had a dream I was talking to a ghost." He laughs and I roll my eyes.
"Don't make fun of me Jake. You've had plenty of weird dreams, I'm sure." Silence. I laugh out loud.
"Oh shut up!" He laughs a bit. I turn right. Only a few minutes now till I get there. I look ahead and see her house.
"Hey I'll call you back later. I'm at Allegras. It's her birthday and as her best friend for life and always, I need to be present."
"Alright bye babes!" I hang up and pull into her drive way. As soon as I got her present from the back, I opened her door and greeted her dog. It had gotten to the stage over our 7 years of friendship- ever since middle school!- that her home was mine. I called her parents mum and dad and she called mine, dad and mum as well.
"OY. THE PARTY HAS NOW BEGUN. ELLA IS HERE!!!" I bellow and I hear her coming down the steps.
"Yeah yeah, your the only one here. Hey sis." I smile. We were basically sister. Sisters from another mister. Lol.
"Hey what's new?" I ask her as I jump on her couch. She follows me and pulls my present from my bag.
"Thank you!" She plucks off the wrapping and gasps as its a dinosaur onesie.
"ERMERGURD. ITS FROM DAN AND PHIL!!!" I laugh as she scrambled to put it on.
"Calm down or you might rip your new pjs."
"NO! I am going to live in this thing!" She pulls on a cute pouty face. I raise an eyebrow and turn on the tv.
"Happy birthday Bestie."
My phone dings and I pick it up. Allegra watches my face as smile turns to a frown. My eye brows raise and I bite my lip.
"Ella? What's wrong?"  I stare at the wall in front of me and hand her the phone. She reads quickly.
New text message from Babe:
I'm sorry. I can't do this anymore. You are an attention whore who I can't put my time into right now. I've got too much going on with baseball and basketball and football. And when school starts in adding theater and Christian classes. Sorry Ella. Goodbye.

"That ass hole. I'll be your girlfriend." She says joking, trying to cheer me up. It was no use.
"Fucking dick." I mumble and toss my phone onto the other side of the couch. It falls on the floor but I don't care. I leave it there and continue to stare at the wall. She waves her hand in front of my face.
"Yup that's it." She comes to me and I look up at her.
"Wha....what are you doing? Put me down!" I struggle as she picks me up and throws me over her shoulder. She marched me up to her room and by the time we get there I'm not even trying to get up anymore. She tossed me down.
"Was that really necessary?" I say flatly.
"Yes it was. You are not going to be hooked up on some ass hole who decided to text you and practically call you a whore." She says stubbornly.
"He did call me a whore." I mumble but it wasn't any better. Allegra went out of the room and came back a few seconds later with something in her hands. Soon she started pelting me with small stuffed animals and I shriek as they hit me. It quickly became a battle where anything was too see at each other. After a while we stopped and looked at the mess we had created in her room which we knew we would have to clean up sooner or later.
"Now look what you've done." She scolded me and waved her hand around the room. I look at her with an expression on my face.
"What I've done? Your the one who started this war." She shook her head.
"No no now. I strictly remember. It was you who began to pelt me with animal. I was helpless here." I laugh.
"You bitch." She begins to laugh to and we start to clean up. It takes up about an hour to clean up HER mess, and by the time we are done, both of us are hungry and it's late. We go downstairs to where the fridge is and I rummage around trying to find something acceptable to eat for human beings.  Ah there was some pizza!
"Let's eat and then I gotta get home. Pizza?" She nods and I continue.
"Didn't sleep so well last night cause I had a bad dream about a ghost haunting me." Allegra raised her hand and wiggled her fingers.
"Whoooooooo I'm a ghost and I am haunting youuuuuuu......." She giggles and I push her away. I toss her a slice and pizza and she catches it.
"Hahah very funny. I don't need to be made fun of." She snorts and rolls her eyes.
"I'm your friend. What else am I suppose to do?"

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