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"Hi. So what was so important that you called me to tell me you had to come over since you couldn't tell me over the phone?" She opens her door and let's me in.
"Ok well long story. So we might want to sit down." She nods and sits down on the couch with me.
"Ok so recently there is a psychopathic ghost in my house who is bent on revenge for her murder by her husband who apparently killed her after she found out his plan to steal her family's money cause he was like broke or something-" I gasp for air and continue.
"- And so he killed her and she wants to kill off all of his blood line but that's were the problem comes on because I looked up who his offspring was and some one came up." I pause here. She raises her eyebrow- her hand hovering over her phone.
"And it's Nathan." Jokingly she raises her phone to her eyes and speaks loudly.
"Hello I need the nearest insane asylum." I slap it away.
"Shut up. I'm not joking!" I groan and fall off the coach. She laughs.
"You have to admit it sounds pretty crazy." I nod.
"I know but Laura and I just became friends so I can't really be insane with her. But you and I have been friends for six years so I can trust you to make fun of me reasonably." I sigh and she looks at my feet.
"So what do you want me to do?" She finally asks after a long period of silence.
"That's the problem. I don't know really. Maybe help me look up this persons history and family?" I offer.
"Ok so what- the library first?" Actually not a bad idea.
"Yeah actually.  She would be in history books and records."
"What was this ghosts names again?" I realize I never told her.
"Clarissa Mudarli. Apparently  a very rich family back in good old times. At least that's what she says is what happened. But Allegra I think she is the reason my house kinda burnt down." If she didn't think me crazy before, then she certainly did now.
"Why do you think that at all?"
"Because I refused to help her kill off people. And she said it would happen and she sounded mad!" Allegra gets up and paved the room. Her hands are tangled in her brown hair. If you looked close enough you could see glints of red every strand or so. I loved how it wild change color based off the light she was standing in.

"Allegra calm down. All we need to do is find a way to stop her from actually doing what she said for revenge." I stand up and pace as well.
"So basically you need me to help you stop a ghost I can't see to stop from killing my boyfriend."
"Yes exactly." I look at her and she looks right back at me.
"When do we begin?" She says with a smile spreading on her face.

Clarissa's Revenge Where stories live. Discover now