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"Hey mum. How was work?" I ask as I hug her.
"Oh dull as normal. Karen was asking about you, but I said you were busy with finding a job." She coughs impatiently- as if to remind me to get on a job hunt.
"Yeah yeah yeah. I know." I roll my eyes.
"This is your mothers house?" I jump.
"You alright sweetie?" My mum asks.
"Yeah I go up stairs." I dash up the stairs and into my room.
"How the hell did you follow me?"
"I don't know. Seems wherever you go, I can too. How odd."
I sigh.
"Well stay away from here. I don't need you haunting both houses."
"I'm not going to leave you alone unless you help me with my revenge!" She hisses.
"Well I already told you! I am not going to help you murder someone!!" I say a bit louder than I meant to.
"Ella! Who are you talking to up there? You know my rule! No technology- or boys- upstairs!" She shouts.
"I'm just talking to my stuffed animals!" Great. Now I seemed like a nut job.
"Get out of my life."
"No. I will get my revenge. And I need you to look up on that magic box of yours. I need names and houses." I sigh.
"I'll give you names but not houses. Alright? That is my deal." She doesn't respond for a moment and I imagine her pondering.
"Fine. But I want ages too."
"Fine. But you have to stop following me around."

As soon as I got home I sat down at my desk and pulled out my computer. I could feel her hovering around me. Huh. That's new.
"Stop hovering." I mumble.
"You can feel that?" I nod. She places her hand on my bare shoulder and I jump up immediately.
"Oh god stop!" I shiver.
"What?" She sounds afraid.
"It was cold and weird and gross!" I shudder and sit back down. It takes me a minutes to pull up some names. I didn't want to actually help her I pulled up some fake names.
"Kenna Scarlet. Your great great niece. And for your lord husband or what ever, there seems to be one living relative. A John Doe." Hopefully she wouldn't know what a John Doe was. And Kenna was just a character from one of my books.
"Your debt is paid. Thank you Ella. I finally shall be at peace."

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