Go away

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I slam the bathroom door closes and turn on the shower for background noise. Quickly I grab my toothbrush and lean over the toilet. I hadn't done this today and I needed to get back. I closed my eyes as I forced the toothbrush to my gag reflex and waited as it came up. I coughed on my vomit as it spilled into the toilet and tears accompanied it. I did it a few more times before sliding down the wall and tossing my toothbrush at the door. My head is in my hands and I silently sob to myself. This had been going on every since sophomore year in high school. Girls can be bitches and when they decide you are something- then that's who you are to them forever. No one in my family understood how hard it was to be a teenage girl in 2016. With social media and texting, things spread around quicker than ever. My thoughts are broken by my dad knocking on the door asking to come in. I don't respond and he stops knocking only to ask.
"May I come in Ella?" I stand up and unlock the door. He comes in and closes it behind him. I had resumed the same spot against the wall where the vent met the corner. He sat on his knees and stared at me for a while.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked as he turns off the shower and I shake my head. 
"Please come to me when you are ready. Last thing I want is for you to bottle up and not share. It's not good for you and it will drive you mad." My mind was shouting at him- YEAH WELL BEING BULIMIC ISNT GOOD FOR ME EITHER BUT WHO CARES DAD. But my response was simpler.
"Yeah I know. I'm just not ready to talk about it at the moment. I mean for Christs sake dad. I just found out tonight. Maybe I'll be reads in the morning but don't push me on it please." I stand up and walk out leaving him there on his knees. He sighs and stand up to walk to his room. When he gets there he turns back to look at mine real quickly.
"Goodnight baby and I'm sorry." He closed his door and I close mine. If only I could tell him that I was being haunted by a ghost. Speaking of.....
"Clarissa?" I whisper but I don't feel anything.
"Clarissa are you there?"
"I've always been here." She responded.
"How dare you?" I say sharply, but still quiet enough for my dad not to hear.
"I did what I have to do. And now I have two more left and I will be out of your hands." I can't believe it.
"Two more people?!?! It's bad enough the first was one of my friends!!! But two more innocent people? No Clarissa this must stop!!"
"I will do what I want!! You are not the boss of me!!" She snarls. I hear my dads door open and quickly pretend to be asleep. He comes on and looks around my room before calling my name once to see if I'm asleep. He leaves and I wait a minutes before sitting up. I hear the door close and start again but more quiet.
"I will find a way to stop you or you stop yourself. As you said before- don't get in my way. I will make sure you don't hurt any more people. This is wrong Clarissa!" I try reason with her.
"And my death was not wrong?!?"
"I'm not saying that. I'm just saying three murdered won't make you feel any better. In fact it will be like you deserved to die." She slaps me and I know because I feel a shape pain in my left cheek and a stinging sensation afterwards.
"Do not hurt me because I am right." I hiss and stand up.
"You died and your story is over. But hide people whose lives you plans on taking, they still have a life in front of them waiting for them to come and explore it. Who are you to take it away front them? You know what it's like to have your life snatched away so why would you do that to others? Use your own experience to find your reason. Know what it's like and put yourself into their shoes." I sigh. Hopefully this would work. But I don't hear any words from her and it worries me.
"Clarissa?" I call. She had left. Did she hear any of what I had just said to her? No my guess was that she had not. I pull back my covers and push my cat off my pillow. He hisses at me before promptly laying on my legs and trying to fall asleep. I suppose I should do the same. I tune off my lights and curl up in my warm fuzzy blankets. It was a hard night and after everything that had happened, I doubt that I should even begun to fall asleep in the first place. But I did. And my dreams were terrifying as they were filled with Clarissa next victims and the screams of Allegra as she found Nathan dying. I tossed and tuned through out the night and woke up around like three in the morning. My knees went to my chest and I wrapped my arms around them to provide a sense of comfort to my trembling body. None of this was normal. Especially for a 16 year old girl!! I should be having fun with my boyfriend and dealing with the stress of exams. Not some bloody ghost killer on the lose!!! I unfold my legs and lay back down. I needed to get some more sleep if I was to plan tomorrow. I needed to get rid of this paranormal pest once and for all. And if I was to do it alone then so be it. But there was no way that I would allow her to ruin others lives like she had ruined mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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