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After I had unleashed my amount of crazy on my friend, she decided it would be best for me to spend the night so that we could devise a plan to rid ourselves of Clarissa.  I had texted my dad to bring over a bag of my clothes, pjs and my phone charger. It was an hour before he came over with everything. Soon Allegra and I had become lost to the world of the web, searching and not finding anything far. 

"What if we tried the library thats right here?" I suggested, finally looking up from a web page named- Paranormal Chat Rooms. For about ten minutes I had been chatting with a women named Francine, who supposedly was dating a ghost named Dillan. Yeah that had gone real swell. Allegra looks up and I glance at what she had been looking up. 13 Ghost Sightings Near You. 

"We would have to bike there. My mum won' t be back until 11." I tap my phone to see the time. It was only 5:39 now. I nod. 

"Alright well that gives us plenty of time to go ghost hunting." I close my iPad and stretch. Allegra puts on her converses and I grab my bag. 

"Do you have a bike that i could use? Preferably not your brothers, since e is shorter, and not to mention- fatter than me." Allegra laughs and opens the garage door. 

"I'm sure we can find something for you to use." She goes into the far back of the garage and brings out a pink bike. UGHHHHH. PINK. I groan. 

"Does it have to be pink? You know how much I hate it." I complain and grab a helmet. 

"It's either this or my fat brothers bike from when he was 10." She points out. 

"Pink it is then." I shut up and get on the bike. 

"Do you know the way to the library?" 

"NO Ella. I live in this neighborhood for 6 years and I DON'T know where the library is." She says sarcastically. I grin and let her go first. 

"Then by all means- lead the way M'lady." I follow her out of the drive way and down the road. It takes us about twenty minutes to get to the library and we are out of breath from riding that fast. We quickly go to the bathroom for a drink of water before beginning on the reason we came in the first place.  We find the history books and settle down for a long, dull and dry evening.  About halfway into a novel called- Family Lineage in History In Ohio, I hear munching and crunching from Allegra's side of the room. I glance over and see her eating chips. 

"Really? You brought food to a library?' I whisper. She looks up and pretends to hide the food. 

"Give me some...." I grab the bag and feed my hungry stomach. I go back to reading and notice something. 

"Here! I found it!" I say louder than I mean to. The librarian looks up and shushes me. I wince and move over to sit next to Allegra to show her what I had found. It was a family tree and it was her's. Right at the top was the Mudarli.

Rebekah Davidson was her mother, Jacob Mudarli  was her father.  She had a brother named Henry  who was married to a women named Kristin. And As I followed their children down i saw a name that was familiar to me. Laura M. MY LAURA.     I follow the Archbeth line down and see Nathan's name with the Archbeth line starting with James and his brothers.  He married again it seems to a women named Marie Vinder. She had one child who married and died during child birth. Then a few down was Nathan. Quickly I look around and shove the book in my bag with the page dog eared. Allegra follows me out and we ride back home where I take the book out and turn to the page again. 

"Ok you study this and tell me if you find anything in any other pages of this book. I'll be back. I have to pee." I rush off to the bathroom which was nearby to her room. Literally a free doors down the hall. I close the door and turn to the mirror. I feel a cold hand-like chill across the nape of my neck. 

"Your meddling with matters that aren't yours." She hisses into my ear as I clench my eyes closed.  

"I want to know what happened. I will not have you go killing my best friends boyfriend just because you have issues with a family member who is long dead!" I gasp as I had just revealed who the person she wanted to kill was. I'm pretty sure she was smiling wickedly. 

"Thank you Ella, for telling me exactly what i need. Now stay out of my way!!" She screams at me. 

"If you don't then I will make you stay out! I don't want to hurt you ella, but if you get in my way and mess with my plans then I will!!" She continues. 

"Bullshit! You are going to hurt people anyways. Why do you think  would believe you not wanting to hurt me?' I say finally opening up my eyes. 

"Because I see myself in you. In your eyes." Her voice is calmer now. 

"Yeah well that maybe so, but at least i won't be murdering people in cold blood." I snap back. She hisses and is gone. I walk back to Allegra's room and see her talking with Nathan. She hangs up and turns to me. 

"LOL Nathan is walking home alone and is mildly drunk." She laughs but it stops when she sees my face. 

"What is it Ella?" I don't respond for a moment and then when I speak, its low and quiet. 

"We have an issue. Clarissa knows who Nathan is. And she's on her way to kill him."




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