First Kill

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"Hang on. Nathan is walking home, alone and is partially drunk?" She nods and i wince.

"First of all- What an idiot. Second of all, WHERE IS HE?" I nearly scream her ears off.

"Hang on, i'll et us a location but I'll need his permission first." She sends a text asking Nathan to send his location and within a few moments he has responded with a location.
"Wow he really must be drunk in order for you to get his location!" I laugh as we grab the car keys and go. Little did I know that Clarissa had been ghosting behind me he entire time and had seen his location too. We weren't the only ones who were searching him out now. Quickly I start the car and Allegra gives me directions to where he was.
"Shit! He's moving. Turn right here!" She points and I veer right. She looked back at her phone and followed his moving dot.
"Left now and then a right next." I sharply turn the corner, sending her phone flying out of her hands.
"Ah! I'm gonna unbuckle and get it!" She quickly pushed he button to release her seat belt.
"It's jammed!" I looked down quickly and apply my fingers on it hard. It snaps free and she crawls in the back to retrieve her phone.
"Got it!!" She yells.
"LEFT!" I turn and she rolls to the side of the car. I laugh as I hear the think of her head.
"Shut up....." She mumbled.
"Hey where am I going from here?" I ask looking in my mirror, back at her. She looks at her phone and smacks it in frustration.
"And this is why I need an upgrade." She hits it once more.
"Ah! Straight." She says and points.
"Yeah but for how long?"
"Until I say it's time to turn, duh." She rolls her eyes.
"Unless you want to come drive then you better tell me where to go!!" I say annoyed.
"Alright 5 miles and then turn left. He should be there." I continue down the winding room until I see the turn and follow that street. My eyes peer over the misty road until I see a tall figure walking kind of slowly about two miles ahead of me.
"Found him!" I turn away for a meet second and when I look back he is gone. I frown and squint my eyes.
"Where did he go?" I park the car and we both rush out. Allegra goes in front of me and disappeared.
"Allegra?" A blood curtailing scream fills the air.
"ALLEGRA!!" I race to her side and stop when I see what made her scream. His body lay mangled in the street, something sticky and red was soaking up his hair. I could only presume it to be blood. Her tears streamed down her face as her hands shook trying to stop the bleeding. On his chest was a big red C. Clarissa.
"How did she already kill him? He was just in front of us!!!" She yells at me. Neighbors lights were starting to turn on in their houses.
"Allegra....I know this is hard but we have to go now." I hiss through my clenched teeth.
"I won't leave him!" She throws herself into his body.
"Unless you want to spend your life in jail as a murderer then I really suggest we move now!!!" I grab her red stained hand and pull her to her feet.
"Save those tears for tomorrow when it makes the papers darling." I drag her to the car and start the engine. The car roars to life and I step on the gas. I can hear a mans voice shouting as we drive away. Luckily it was too dark for them to de anything.
"Hold his head! Some one call 911 and an ambulance!!" Their voices fade into the night and the sound I hear is the heart wrenching sobs of my best friend in the back crying her eyes out.
"Allegra clean up before we get home. It's late and your mother will be home. You need to pretend to be happy so she doesn't suspect anything. Put on a face." I say numbly.
"My boyfriend just died! And that's all you say to me? This is all your fault!! You got us involved in your shitty ghost murder mystery! Drop me off here. I'll walk home. But I do not want you at my house. Ever again!" She screams and slams open the door. I hear her footsteps as she runs across the pavement. That had hurt me more than those teenagers on my social media. That hurt more than nasty comments behind my back. To have my friend tell me things like that? I bit my lip and kept in driving home. When I got home, my dad was surprised to see me.
"What happened to sleeping over at Allegras?" He asked calmly. He knew.
"It was a bust."
"Ah that's too bad. Hey Ella?" I look at him. I was so tired and just wanted to sleep.
"What dad?"
"I need to tell you something. And it's alright to be upset. Remember- crying isn't a weakness." I sit down next to him.
"Your friend Nathan was found dead tonight." Here goes the pretend shock face.
"What?" I gasp and jump up.
" did this happen?!?!?" I sputter. And cue the fake tears. They come pouring down and I pace the room. Thank god for those acting classes I took. I suppose it was all my real emotions that I had bottled up and now could let lose.
"I don't know but I want you to know I'm here for you and so are your friends." But dad, no they weren't. I had lost her tonight and all because of fucking Clarissa. She was ruining everything and it was time to have a little side chat with her about STAYING OUT OF MY LIFE.

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