Chapter 5

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һѧı єṿєяʏȏṅє! ẇєʟċȏṃє ṭȏ ṭһє ṅєẇ ċһѧƿṭєя! һȏƿє ʏȏȗ ѧʟʟ єṅjȏʏ ṭһıṡ ȏṅє!
.•.•.•.•.•Rin's Point Of View•.•.•.•.•.
It was 5am when I opened my eyes in the morning. My head was killing me along with my stomach. What the hell happened last night? I look up and see my face was buried into Sou's chest. Oh my fuck. My eyes widen as I slide out of bed and got to my feet. My legs felt like jello. Agh, this sucks. I leaned on my dresser and held my head. Everything from yesterday was a blur. Why do I feel like shit? Oh wait, yeah I drank till I dropped yesterday. But why was I drinking?.. Ugh, it hurts my head to think to much. I gotta stay down. As I shuffled back to my bed, my stomach felt like it was rising. I slammed my hand on my mouth and ran to the bathroom. As I dropped to my knees in front of the toilet, I was clearing my system. In other words, I was puking everything out from my stomach. Blahh, I hate vomiting cause it hurts my throat. I took a couple of breaths when I felt as if I was done while sitting back onto my knees in front of the toilet. My eyes started to stream with tears. Hey, throwing up hurts like hell, I had to cry.

While keeping my palms to my streaming eyes, Sousuke ran in and crouched down low so he was to the floor and by my side. He rested his hand gently on my back as I looked up at him and tried to stop my water works. He sighed and hugged my tightly, trying to calm me down as it seemed. I took a deep breath and stopped crying but I had the fucking hiccups from my breakdown. "You okay Rin?" He asked quietly because it was still around 5 in the morning. I shrugged and rested my head on his shoulder. It felt natural to do that after he was hugging me. "I feel like shit" I croaked as he nodded and chuckled lightly. "Well, you have a hangover idiot." He explained simply while keeping the hug together and flushing the toilet so my puke was out of sight. "But why was I drinking Sou?" I asked confused as I looked up at him again. He sighed with a frown crawling onto his face. "Rin, Riley's cheat-" Sousuke started to talk but we heard a knock on the door. Awe fuck. I wanted to know why I was drinking that much. And it involves my girlfriend? What the hell..

Sou sighed and lifted me up bridal style. My eyes widened as I scrambled to hold onto him. "D-don't pick me up without warning jackass!" I yelped while looking down from where he was holding me. But damn he was so tall it was like I was on a skyscraper. He snickered and walked out of the bathroom and to my bed. "I'll tell you why you were drinking after I get the door" he said smoothly while lying me down on the bed. Awe. It was fun getting carried. Sousuke pulled the blanket with sharks scattered across it onto me. He smiled and shuffled to the door. Haha, he had bed head. But I feel weird. He looks attractive but I like girls. What the actual fuck?

I played with my hands while Sou was at the door. It was so quiet until I heard the door slam. I felt my bones rattle from the large shock of the long slam. I looked over my shoulder to see Sou with a grim expression. Uh-oh. I shoved my blanket off of me and tumbled out of my bed. Thank god I'm the bottom bunk. I got up and rushed to Sousuke and looked at him confused. "Who's there?" I asked as he shook his head. I knew with that head shake it was my girlfriend. Sou may not think I don't know they despise each other but it's not that hard to figure out. I opened the door and peeked my head out. "Riley, Marcie, what are you guys doing here? It's so early" I tried to sound like my normal self but I couldn't. I'm a mess right now.

Riley grinned and pushed the door open fully, causing the door to hit Sou straight in the face. I turned to him and went to my tippy toes to see if he was okay. He held his nose and kept his eyes shut with a low growl. "Sou, let me see" I asked as he opened an eye and pulled his hand away from his nose. I gently placed my hand to his nose and frowned. "We have to get you ice, so it doesn't swell" I mumbled and took his hand. Riley and Marcie stared at me as Riley ran to me and yanked my hand away from Sou's and Marcie held onto Sou's hand in return. "It's okay. I'll get ice!" Marcie squeaked like she seemed jealous. Well okay then. I was just trying to be a good friend. Riley pulled my face to turn to her as she slimmed her eyes. "Stop taking care of him he's fine." She snapped at me and gripped onto my wrist tightly, digging her nails into my skin. I whimpered and pulled my hand away. Only me and Riley remained in the room. Sou and Marcie were in the kitchen area getting Sou ice. "Well you hit my best friend in the nose! Of course I'm gonna help him! Stop being such a jerk!" I screamed at her. Damn. It was my first time I yelled at her... It felt weird but I felt better after I yelled at her.

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