Chapter 5- She's Mine

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"Hey Mari! Let's go to the new aquarium for a double date this Saturday!" Alya suggested while holding up four tickets. "I got the tickets!"

"Well, if Adrien goes...." Marinette looked at Adrien who looked at her with a smile.

"Sure, I'll go. We haven't been on a date for a while ever since then." He sighed and Marinette gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"No worries, being with you makes me happier." She smiled and hugged him from the back, around the neck. "What time?'

"Um.. Meet up at Shell Sea Aquarium at 1:30 by the north gate." Nino responded while he took his seat.

"You're later than usual." Alya came over to him. "What's up?"

"I overslept after playing too much video games last night." Nino awkwardly laugh while Alya goofily punched him on the arm, softly.

"You goof head." She smiled.

On the other hand, Landon overheard them and he scrunched up his face in anger. I'm full that day! Ugh!! Being the kind he is, he got up and accidentally bumped into a red bob-headed-like girl with glasses, it was Sabrina. "Sorry."

"S-Sorry!" Sabrina quickly shifted away while fixing her glasses with books in her arms and walked over to Chloe.

Landon stared at her and saw Chloe placed more pressure and orders on her, he frowned. Why is she still friends with her if Chloe acts like this to her all the time? I don't get it, buts she's a strong and interesting girl..

Sighing, he left the classroom for a photo shoot job and class continued on till after school. Alya, Nino, and Adrien were all coming to Marinette's house to talk about the plans for the date while playing video games.

"I heard that there were whale sharks there!" Alya squealed in excitement on Marinette's bed. "What are guys looking forward to see?!"

They all paused and got off the video game to think. After a while, everyone started to answer back at Alya's question.

"The penguins!!" laughed Adrien and Marinette together.

"I want to see the bat rays!" Nino's eyes sparkled, seriously, and he flashed a cool superhero pose. "It's been a dream of mines to touch a bat ray! I hope we can touch one dude!"

"Yup!" Adrien and Nino both did a small little fist pump.

"Oh, we better get going Nino!" Alya grabbed her bag, along with Nino's, giving it to him. "Are you coming Adrien?"

"I'll go later, I need to talk to Mari." Adrien smiled.

"Alright! Bye!" Nino and Alya both left.

Once they did, Marinette walked out onto the balcony with Adrien, holding each other in their arms. She rested her head on his shoulder, and he did it atop of her head.

"Hey Adrien, if the world were to find out of our identities, what would you do?" Marinette asked.

"I wouldn't care. I would use my life to protect my city-" Adrien pulled her in to kiss her on the forehead. "-and my lady."

"Mhm.. I know how you feel kitty." She snuggled in closer to him and they gave each other a kiss.

Adrien transformed into Chat Noir and went in for another passionate kiss. "Let's chat tomorrow purr-incess."

"Haha, yeah. See you." Marinette smiled while watching Chat Noir disappear in the distance. "Ah.. What am I ever without him?" She giggled and entered her bedroom.

Tikki, her kwami, popped out from under the bed and rubbed her face against Marinette's cheek. "Cheer up Mari!! I'll be with you no matter what, you have people with you!"

"Thanks Tikki." They both hugged and went off to bed.

[ Adrien's Mansion ]

Plagg chewed on his Camembert cheese and looked at Adrien who stared out of the window to look at the sky. "What's wrong Adrien?"

"Plagg, will you and Marinette's kwami, Tikki, leave us? Will you guys disappear from us and go find new heroes?" Adrien questioned with a sad tone hidden in his voice.

He frowned and hovered over to Adrien, giving him a small smack in e head. "Quit being so depressed, of course we won't leave you guys. We'll always be watching over you guys until your deaths, morons!"

"Haha, I love you too, you know that right Plagg?" Adrien chuckled out with small tears forming at the edge of his eyes.

"I know that, you idiot." Plagg turned away, blushing in embarrassment. "I love you too, like a family."

Adrien laughed and hugged Plagg while he tried to struggle for freedom.

A night filled with questions, soon enough, the date arrives in a flash.

She's Mine | AdrienetteWhere stories live. Discover now