Chapter 22 - She's Mine

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Marinette's View

I looked over my shoulder and saw Sabrina alone like yesterday, so I decided to invite her over to join us. I walked up to her, smiling. "Wanna come hang out with us Sabrina?"

Her face expressions many emotions until a smile appeared on her face. She gave a nod. "Sure." Getting up, Sabrina fixed her glasses and walked down with me to Nino, Alya, and Adrien.

"Hey!" The three of them greeted happily. We all knew that she did bad stuff in the past, but it was mainly Chloe who controlled her.

"Do you want to come over to my house tomorrow Sabrina?" asked Alya. "We're having a sleepover. You can invite anyone else too!"

Sabrina brushed her hair behind an ear. "Sure." Then, she scan around the room until they met Landon's. He was surrounded by a group of fangirls. "Can Landon come?"

Alya looked at Nino and back at Sabrina, shrugging. "Why not?"

"Alright, I'll be right back." replied Sabrina before she walked off to Landon.

Landon's View

I was talking to a group of girls who seemed to have interest in me until my eyes caught Sabrina's. Her big green eyes sparkled in the sunlight before she turned away to speak to Marinette and her friends. Then she came over to me.

"Um.. Can I speak to him for a few?" asked Sabrina. Her hands were behind her back. I knew she was nervous in front of these girls.

"I'll talk to you girls later." I made the girls leave before going over to talk with Sabrina. "Need anything from me?"

"Alya's having a sleep over, wanna come?"

I was shocked. Why would they invite me? Did they forgive everything I did up till now? "Uh... Sure, why not?"

"Ok! Meet up at the park tomorrow at 5." She gave a smile before rushing back on over to Alya and them. She seems to have gotten happier after what Chloe did.

I frowned and glared at Chloe, Lilia, and Beatrice. I couldn't believe that they would hurt her. A girl who cares for someone like Chloe should be treated better. She's so nice and caring and looks cuter than-wait.. Did I just?

I looked back at the fragile-looking figure of Sabrina and held a hand over my face. I gave a groan. "Shit."

She's Mine | AdrienetteWhere stories live. Discover now