Chapter 19 - She's Mine

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Sabrina's View

I cheerfully walked up to Chloe and her friends, Lilia and Beatrice.  Suddenly, they glanced at me, snickering. "W-What?"

"Oh, you're totally right Chloe!" laughed Beatrice while whipping her brown hair back. "She's such a nerd."

"I know right? She's always acting so nice and goody." Smirking, Chloe grinned. "Like a slave following her master's orders like a brat."

Tears swelled up in my eyes. Her words hit me like poison in the heart. I ran off without thinking while hearing them laugh in the distance. I accidentally bumped into Marinette and my glasses fell off. I didn't care anymore.

I ran and ran until I reached the bathroom to cry silently. Eventually, a few hours later, I sucked up my tears to go wash up. I splashed water on my face and stared at myself. My eyes were red and puffy around my green eyes as my orange hair frizzed up here and there after I kept fondling with it.

"So now I'm not needed anymore huh?" I slowly walked out of the bathroom, rubbing my eyes, I ran into Landon. The shock on his face slowly turned into a warm, but painful smile. 

"Your glasses." said Landon as he handed me my glasses to place them back on. "Are you ok?"

I blinked and pulled some of my front hair behind my ear. "I should be asking you that. You don't look ok."

"I'm fine." He smiled before walking off.

Frowning, I threw a hair clip I had in the pockets of my pants. "Stop lying you stupid playboy! Admit that you like Marinette and stop acting like-like a little chatte and confess already! You're hurting yourself more than I am!"

Landon turned around. I would never forget the painful expression he had plastered on his face as the wind blew through his hair. "I can't.. I'm scared to get hurt.. I'm not brave, like you."

"Enough of this bull crap!" I speed walked up to him and pulled him closer by the collar. "You're just a little scared over being hurt while I over here lost all of my family. I lost everyone, even Chloe today. I bet she doesn't want to hang out with a nerd girl like me. While I'm over here crying my butt off, you're acting a little scared over the fact that you like Marinette. You won't confess because you already know she loves Adrien more than anything. Suck it up little boy if you want to grow up and learn." After raging, I dropped him by the collar and walked off in anger. He pisses me off so much!

"Wow." I heard him say as I walked away.

Yeah right, he deserves that. I entered the classroom and fixed my glasses to accidentally glance over to Chloe. She gave a small wave ; that I ignored. She hurt my feelings and now she wants to be friendly again. I looked back, again, to see her smiling, snotty face to transform into a face filled with hurt.

Why is everything changing so fast? I don't like this. I just want everything to be back to normal. If only he wasn't here... He changed everything like the snap of a finger. I want to go back...

She's Mine | AdrienetteWhere stories live. Discover now