Chapter 23 - She's Mine

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Marinette's View

We all met up the next day at Alya's house for our sleepover. The people who were coming were Adrien, Landon, Sabrina, and Nino. Just the six of us.

I took a seat besides Adrien and sat in his lap while he hugged me from behind. I goofily smiled as he started to tickle me all over. "A-Adrien!!! Hahaha!!! S-Stop it!!!"

Adrien grinned and kissed my cheek. "You're too cute."

I blushed and grabbed his nose, pulling it lightly. "Quite the charmed."

We both noticed a loud cough and turned our attention to see the others staring at us. We had forgotten that the others were here. So, Adrien and I awkwardly laughed it off and greeted them.

"It's so cold." shivered Sabrina while joining us by the fireplace. "What are we going to do tonight?"

"Hm..." a smirked crept up in Alya's face. "Let's play truth or dare!"

I could hear all of us gulp at the thought of playing that game. We knew how dangerous and mischievous Alya gets when we play truth or dare. But, we ended up agreeing since Alya kept begging.

She placed a bottle in the center, grinning while she spun it. It spun in a circular clock wise direction and landed on Landon. Her eyes seemed to sparkle evilly while asking him truth or dare.

"Truth." relied Landon as he brushed his hair back.

"Awe.." She frowned in disappointment until her face lit up. Alya had a new idea.. "Do you have a crush? If so, what's a letter in her name?"

Landon awkwardly grabbed the back of his neck and groaned silently. "I have to answer two?"

Nino held thumps up while pushing his glasses up the frame of his nose. "Good luck dude."

I took a short glance at Sabrina and it seems like she was staring at Landon. Well, the whole time she was. A happy feeling rose up in my body. Landon and Sabrina would make such a cute couple!!!!

"Yes, I have a crush. Her name has an A in it." Landon finally answered before hiding his face and laying in his back so we couldn't see.

"Oh~" Alya's smirk got even wider as she turned the bottle to her next victim. It was Adrien. "Hehe, truth or dare?"

"Truth.." Adrien leaned forward from our back hug so his head was resting on my shoulder.

Alya frowned and shook her head. "You guys are so weak. At least we all have to do a dare." She gave a short cackle and continued. "Why do you like Marinette?"

Another blush crept up from my ear and began spreading tommy face. I felt so hot in our embrace from blushing. He slowly tightened his grip around my waist and I saw his face turning red as well.

"W-Well..." He looked up with his long blonde bangs covering his face. "She's kind, beautiful, caring, and I love how she smiles.." After saying that, Adrien hid his face in my shoulder while the others awed.

Sabrina looked at us smiling. She looks so happy. "You guys are adorable."

I thanked her and we continued the game. In the end, we played it till it was bedtime and we were all out of gas for the night. So, we separated into sleeping areas. Nino and Alya slept on the bed. Adrien and I on the couch. And Sabrina slept on the mattress with Landon that Alya took out and fixed. It was awkward, but we were tired.

I felt Adrien putting an arm around my waist, pulling me in. I turned my head around and look at him, smiling while whispering. "Need anything kitty?"

He locked foreheads with me and smiled. "I love you princess."

I pecked him on the cheeks. "I love you too, good night."

"Good night." He replied, closing his eyes.

Landon's View

I looked up at the ceiling while sighing. Of all places, I have to sleep next to the girl I like.... Agh!! This is confusing!

I tossed and turned in bed so much, I think Sabrina got annoyed. She smacked me on the leg and turned her body around, facing me, while frowning. "W-What?"

She looked different without her glasses on. I don't think she could've seen me because Sabrina close closer to my face and squinted. "Is that Landon?"

"Huh?" I stared at her, confused. "You didn't hear them assign the sleeping areas?"

Sabrina slowly shook her head and pulled back to her sleeping spot, rubbing her eyes. Gosh, she was cute. "No?.."


"Well I'm going to sleep. Good night Landon."

"Night Sabrina."

She pulled the covers up to cover her small body while I returned to stare at the ceiling. First Marinette, then Sabrina. I glanced at Sabrina's head that popped out from under the covers. Her red hair darkened in the shadows but I smiled. It was nice seeing another side of her.

Carefully, I moved closer to her and kissed her lightly on the cheek. I felt like doing it at that moment, but she might not remember. These feelings inside me will stay..

Sabrina's View

I pulled the sheets to shelter my body from the cold and silently shivered underneath. I still can't believe that Alya assigned us together to sleep in the mattress. It must've been the plan from the start.

I quietly sighed and closed my eyes to sleep until I felt Landon moved my side of the mattress. I opened my eyes slowly until a warm feeling heating up from my cheek. Did he just-...

Did Landon just kiss me?

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